It’s crazy to think that aquafaba was discovered less than a decade ago, and has only recently become more mainstream. It is now an essential part of my cooking, and helps make my recipes much more economical and accessible. Today’s recipe makes the most of a can of chickpeas, using a little of their aquafaba to create a yummy, crunchy coating around the chickpeas. Use whatever dried herbs and spices you have to hand here – the only essential ingredients are the chickpeas and aquafaba to make this sugar- and oil-free snack that’s both super-nutritious and low in calories. They’re a great alternative to a bag of crisps, nuts or pork scratchings.
Spicy aquafaba roast chickpeas
Crisps and spiced nuts are my downfall: whenever I buy a bag or make my own, I’ll usually keep eating them until they’re gone. Well, these crunchy, spiced chickpeas are a nutritious, low-waste and tasty alternative that, thankfully, won’t give me the same guilt or weight gain after eating them. If you’ve already got the oven for something else, rather than dry-frying them as here, roast the chickpeas in there for 10-20 minutes, until golden brown, then coat them in the spiced aquafaba mixture and return to the oven for another five to 10 minutes, until crunchy. All the flavourings are optional, and to suit your own tastes, so play about.
If have any leftover aquafaba, store it in a jar in the fridge, where it will keep for up to a week, ready to whip up into aquafaba mayonnaise, or to make meringues or my favourite plant-based caesar salad.
Serves 1-4 as a snack
1 x 400g tin chickpeas
3 tbsp aquafaba
¼ unwaxed lemon or lime (ideally organic), zest finely grated and juiced (optional)
1 tsp dried herbs (optional)
1-2 tsp ground spice or a spice mixture (optional)
1 small pinch chilli flakes or powder, or to taste (optional)
Sea salt, to taste
Drain the chickpeas into a bowl, to capture the aquafaba, then tip the chickpeas on to a clean tea towel and pat dry. Put a large frying pan on a medium heat, add the chickpeas so they sit in a single layer, and dry-fry, shaking the pan occasionally, for five to 10 minutes until they begin to dry out and char.
Meanwhile, in a bowl, whisk three tablespoons of aquafaba until white and foamy. Whisk in any or all of the optional citrus, herbs and spices, then season with salt to taste (I used a mixture of smoked paprika, cinnamon, chilli and oregano).
Add the crunchy chickpeas to the spiced aquafaba, then toss to coat evenly. Return to the hot pan and cook, stirring occasionally, for a few minutes more, just until they’re a little charred all over and crunchy. Your spiced chickpeas are best enjoyed on the day they’re made, but they will keep in the fridge for up to five days.