Wherever you are in the world, access to certain healthcare services can be difficult, especially when you're in need of a general health check up. Not only can be tricky to get the advice you need in a timely manner, but it's also expensive, especially as opting for private healthcare often seems like the only option. This has been worldwide problem for many years, and it's the reason why so many health and wellbeing companies choose to manufacture personalised wellness programmes for consumers at home.
The latest success to this industry is ZOE, a personalised nutrition programme that's focused on understanding and improving metabolic health. It was pioneered by Professor Tim Spector, author of The Diet Myth and Spoon-Fed, and has quickly become one of the most talked about programmes since its launch in 2022.
Those on the ZOE nutrition pathway can be spotted by their circular yellow arm patch, highlighting the blood sugar sensor that's a part of the testing. Television presenter Davina McCall is one of the brand's biggest advocates, as well as BBC Dragon Steven Bartlett.
So, how exactly does the programme work, and why is it so popular?
How does ZOE work?
Before the programme begins, ZOE recommends users take the personalised quiz to find out how the pathway will help, and what to expect. After this, you're asked to choose your membership online, with the choice of four months, 12 months or on a monthly basis. The main thing to note is that the ZOE test cannot be bought without a membership, as it's the membership that turns the results you receive into long-lasting habits.
Part one - the test
Once users select their membership, the test is sent to your home address. The test takes samples of your blood glucose via a continuous monitor, blood fat via a finger prick test, and your gut microbiome via a stool sample. These are all examined to assess how you personally metabolise foods, and the way your body functions.
Part two - the membership
Once the results come in from your test, your membership begins. ZOE calculates your very own ZOE Scores for foods and meals, allowing you to build meals, discover new recipes, track progress, and learn how to combine, swap and add foods to your plate. The membership also includes exclusive lessons and content created by world-leading scientists, and access to a nutrition expert via live chat. Many people have been crediting the ZOE programme with improving their approach to food altogether.

How much does it cost?
There's no doubt that the ZOE nutrition programme is an investment, priced at £299.99 for the test and results. Users then have to purchase a membership on top, bringing the cost way above this. However, from the looks of it, consumers seem extremely happy with the results.
If you're interested, T3 will be reviewing the ZOE nutrition programme in the upcoming months. Keep your eyes peeled for an in-depth evaluation of the programme, and how effective it really is.