Specialist lender Together has revealed images of a major upgrade at its headquarters after securing planning permission for the scheme.
The finance company, which employs more than 750 staff and has a £6bn loan book, is creating a three-storey link connecting its Lakeview and 1 Lakeside buildings at Cheadle Royal Business Park.
Stockport Borough Council has approved the project, which Together says will deliver “a high specification office space befitting of its status within the area".
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Together has been based at the business park since 2012, starting at Lake View and later taking over neighbouring building 1 Lakeside. The new scheme, designed by Manchester-based 5plus Architects, will increase the total floor space to 11,266 sq m, with a new entrance, break-out areas and meeting spaces and an executive suite and board room above.
Consultancy Eden Planning & Development secured permission for the development from Stockport council last month.
Kevin Fisher, people director at Together, said: “We’re delighted to have received planning permission for what are major investment plans and we thank the Council for supporting us in realising our ambitions.
“This sustainable development has been designed to bridge the gap between the two buildings, to maximise the use of this space to create improved facilities, a welcoming reception area and a new glazed entrance atrium.
“Our expansion plans will mean our headquarters have the largest footprint on the business park, underlining our commitment to Cheadle Royal, and to providing a modern and accessible work space for our valued colleagues as we continue to grow our successful business.”
Donna Barber from Eden Planning said: “The approved scheme will revolutionise Together's working environment by incorporating a contemporary extension.

“This addition will offer clients a unique sense of arrival while fostering an enhanced workspace focused on innovation and employee well-being. Emphasising sustainability and forward-thinking design, this development will contribute lasting value to the local area.”
Consultants Hilson Moran, used thermal modelling in the design process to ensure that the new link operates in a sustainable and energy efficient way. The upgrade will also include more electric vehicle charging points and cycling racks.
Andy Hart, associate sustainability consultant at Hilson Moran, said: “The engineering proposals promote the latest technologies in energy efficiency whilst the building façade enhances passive design and wellbeing features. The link also provides the business an opportunity to repurpose their existing buildings to ensure the business needs are met whilst fundamentally minimising their embodied carbon impact.”