The first fully armored Viking Hero is all set to make its presence felt in For Honor. The Varangian Guard is arriving in Heathmoor on February 1 and help in getting back the Viking village which was seized at the start of Year 7 Season 4. This mercenary protector wields an axe while also bearing a shield. The Varangian Guard has the ability to disable enemies through their unique Oathkeeper defensive stance.
The Varangian Guard Hero joins the game as part of Year 7 Season 4 Title Update 2. At the same time, players can look forward to the free Varangian Guard's Pledge Event Pass. The Event Pass runs from February 1 to February 22 and gives them the chance to earn new rewards like an ornament or a mood effect. That's not the only event that Title Update 2 is launching.
The Black Prior's Riposte for example returns as a throwback event on February 29. It's adding a special game mode where attackers fight for control points while defenders do what they can to defeat as many enemies as possible. There's also going to be Hero Fests for Nobushi (February 22 to February 28), Black Prior (February 29 to March 6), and Afeera (March 7 to March 13). For those new to the game, Hero Fests give players the chance to try out one Hero free for a week. During that same week, that Hero can be purchases at a discount.
Plans for Year 8
Aside from announcing the release of a new hero, Ubisoft also revealed plans for Year 8. It starts March 14 and runs all the way to March 2025. Year 8 is set to feature four Seasons along with two new heroes and new Hero Skins. Year 8 also sees the addition of Converted Maps to the game. By converting existing non-Dominion maps, the studio believes that this should increase the pool of Dominion maps. Two maps are scheduled to be converted during Year 8.
New as well is the Legacy Pass which allow players to buy or continue previous Battle Passes in chronological order. Those who already owned, or even started, previous Battle Passes can continue their progression without the need to re-purchase them. The Year 8 Season 1 Battle Bundle is set to give players access to 100 tiers of rewards along with 25 tiers of progression for both Battle and Legacy Pass. The Legacy Pass can be purchased separately and comes with a tier 101 which consolidates retrofitted content for Heroes who were not initially included in the Battle Pass.
Released in February 2017, For Honor is available for the PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and the Xbox Series X/S.