On Wednesday morning, a tragic incident unfolded in a Wisconsin village when police officers shot and killed a student who was carrying a gun near a middle school. The student, who belonged to the Mount Horeb Area School District and was a minor, did not manage to enter the school premises. Fortunately, no one else was harmed during the incident.
Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul addressed the media during an evening news conference, emphasizing that the situation could have resulted in a much more severe tragedy. District Superintendent Steve Salerno echoed this sentiment, acknowledging the potential gravity of the situation.
The events transpired when Mount Horeb police officers responded to reports of an individual with a weapon outside the school. The officers, following protocol, used deadly force to neutralize the threat. The incident occurred outdoors, and subsequent investigations have not revealed the presence of any other suspects.
As a standard procedure, the officers involved in the shooting have been put on administrative leave. The state Department of Justice Division of Criminal Investigation is leading the inquiry into the incident. It was noted that the officers were equipped with body cameras, providing crucial evidence for the investigation.
Following the lockdown of the middle school, students are in the process of being reunited with their families. In light of the situation, the school will remain closed on Thursday, with a reassessment planned for potential reopening on Friday. The district announced that information regarding support services will be made available on Thursday morning.
The village of Mount Horeb, located approximately 23 miles southwest of Madison, was shaken by the events that unfolded near the school. The community is coming to terms with the tragedy and offering support to those affected by the incident.