Simon Beckerman
Simon Beckerman’s success as an entrepreneur spawned from making the average man or woman in the street an entrepreneur in their own right. In 2011 he founded online shopping app Depop, which allowed users to create their own mini clothes stores to buy and resell unloved items in their wardrobes.
The app became hugely popular with young people, and a decade later it hit over 20 million users, 90% of whom were under the age of 26. Shortly after, Depop was snapped up by an even bigger peer-to-peer ecommerce platform, who paid $1.6 billion in cash.
Beckerman likely has more than enough money to take an early retirement, but instead he’s got his sites on building his next unicorn. With his new project, Delli, he hopes to create a new generation of food entrepreneurs, selling their culinary masterpieces online made from their kitchen table.
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