During New Year's celebrations on Bourbon Street, a tragic incident occurred when a pickup truck rammed into a crowd, resulting in a series of events that led to a devastating outcome. The New Orleans Police Department (NOPD) reported that the driver of the pickup truck was shot and killed by police officers following the incident.
According to NOPD, after the vehicle came to a stop, the suspect allegedly opened fire on responding officers, prompting the officers to return fire. In the exchange of gunfire, two NOPD officers were also shot but are currently in stable condition.
The chaotic scene left a total of 10 people dead and at least 35 others injured, as confirmed by NOPD. The authorities have not provided any updates on the conditions of the victims involved in the attack.
This tragic event serves as a stark reminder of the unpredictable nature of such incidents and the risks faced by law enforcement officers in the line of duty. The NOPD's swift response to the situation highlights the bravery and dedication of the officers who put themselves in harm's way to protect the public.