Stunned guests at a baby shower could barely believe their eyes when the guest of honour arrived. Before they could even get on with the traditional fun and games there was a surprise for all of them.
For when mum-to-be Becky Biddulph appeared she was cuddling her newborn who arrived four days earlier. She and husband James Biddulph, 32, arrived at the garden bash on June 26 with their little surprise.
And some guests were so shocked they initially mistook Henley for a doll - before they realised that the little boy had decided to arrive two weeks early, on June 22. Becky, who works in care as well as running two businesses and lives in Stoke-on-Trent, with HGV driver James and her two other children, said: "With Henley being born so close to my baby shower, I just thought it would be the most perfect way to introduce him to everyone.
"It was quite funny seeing everyone’s faces in disbelief, thinking I was holding a doll. Once everyone had realised, it was brilliant!
"Funnily enough, we did the same for our wedding - we ended up having a lock down wedding and we didn’t even tell the girls until the night before. Everyone else was told the day after we were married!

"The whole day was just magical. I absolutely loved every second of it and wouldn’t have changed anything."
Becky's friend, Leanne Rowley, 30, filmed the special moment capturing the surprise on fellow guests faces.
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