Kerala has 2,77,49,159 voters in all as per the final voters’ list for the April 26 Lok Sabha elections.
The number includes 1,43,33,499 women, 1,34,15,293 men and 367 transgender voters, Chief Electoral Officer Sanjay Kaul said on Friday. The updated list has 5,34,394 first-time voters aged between 18 and 19, he said.
There has been an increase of 6,49,833 voters since the final list was published on January 22. Election officials also removed 2,01,417 individuals from the list as part of a ‘purification process’ aimed at removing the names of absent, shifted and deceased (ASD) voters.
Among the districts, Malappuram has the highest number of voters at 33,93,884. Wayanad has the lowest at 6,35,930. Malappuram also has the highest number of women voters (16,97,132), while Thiruvananthapuram has the most transgender voters (94). There are 89,839 NRI voters in the State, with the highest number in Kozhikode district (35,793). The electoral rolls also have 6,27,045 voters above the age of 80.
Election officials had given time till March 25 for eligible citizens to add their names to the final list, the Chief Electoral Officer said.
The Parliamentary Constituency-wise details of voters are as follows:
Thiruvananthapuram: 14,30,531
Attingal: 13,96,807
Kollam: 13,26,648
Pathanamthitta: 14,29,700
Mavelikara: 13,31,880
Alappuzha: 14,00,083
Kottayam: 12,54,823
Idukki: 12,50,157
Ernakulam: 13,24,047
Chalakudy: 13,10,529
Thrissur: 14,83,055
Alathur: 13,37,496
Palakkad: 13,98,143
Ponnani: 14,70,804
Malappuram: 14,79,921
Kozhikode: 14,29,631
Wayanad: 14,62,423
Vadakara: 14,21,883
Kannur: 13,58,368
Kasaragod: 14,52,230.