Spring sunshine and eating outdoors is irresistible at the moment. The Pialligo Farm Shop Cafe (open Wednesday to Sunday) has roasted mushroom bruschetta with herbs from the garden and estate-grown heirloom pumpkin and feta salad plus the best chocolate raspberry brownie. The scent of large white daphne blooms just along the path filled the air.
At the Portrait (Gallery) Cafe, sitting on the terrace in 19 degrees warmth, the roasted cauliflower salad came with farro, hazelnuts, preserved lemon and add smoked trout followed by a luscious polenta blueberry slice with dried blue flower filaments atop. Two men on roller skates provided balletic entertainment on the pathways while magpies eyed tables.
Lunch in the home courtyard was toasted Sonoma linseed and rye bread topped with avocado and the honeyeaters in the camellias and citrine-hued Flinders Ranges wattle, currawongs calling and carousing on the wing and Gang-gangs creaking in the ancient eucalypt.
During the recent Canberra Writers' Festival, Richard Glover was in conversation with Alex Sloan on the topic "The World According To Richard Glover". His writings have always made me chuckle but the topic on my mind was his book The Land Before Avocado. Some of us remember the 1960s and '70s when avocado was not an everyday food and then came smashed avocado - not that it tasted any better than a couple of slices dressed with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice.
At local supermarkets there always seem to be two benches where customers are gathered - bananas and avocados. It recently gave me pleasure to buy The Odd Bunch 1kg green string bag of "awkward avocados". Each one was a different size and shape but their taste was perfect and they really are a superfood. If only we could grow avocados that bore fruit in Canberra.
Then a dessert came my way. A friend had made chocolate avocado mousse to an online recipe (which follows) from taste.com.au and Breville (a note said it had been made by more than 1500 people). It was rich and luscious. There are lots of similar recipes online including those from Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver. The idea is vegan and healthy.
Carrot conundrum

Readers may recall that, over the past few years, Michael Fawcett, formerly a cherry orchardist in Young but now a Sydneysider, has been running an annual "grow it yourself and cook with it" fun competition which often includes Canberra entrants. The first time the edible was rhubarb growing and relish making, in February this year it was rock melon jam with the theme "melon jam rocks".
The email has just come in to say this time it is carrots. The first respondents are visiting Mongolia and have said they are unable to grow carrots for the event because camels would eat any plant that poked its head above the ground.
The next entrant said, "I don't have camels, Michael, but I do have two kelpies. Can I buy my carrots at a farmer's market instead?"
Then, from another, "Michael, I get that Mongolia might be a desert but have you tried growing anything below ground in Canberra? It's frozen, dusty and degraded, and I suspect my backyard is also toxic with lead and asbestos. Can I have a pass too?"
Is it a case of terroir or can any readers give us tips on how to grow the perfect carrots? Best responses will receive a packet of rocket "Emerald" seeds which should be as exciting as the rocket Artemis with plenty of liftoff. Email: bodenparsons@bigpond.com
Fungi or fun guy
Clarification: To readers of the print edition of The Canberra Times who got in touch about the final sentence of my text last week which went missing due to a production error. Just before the espresso mushroom cake recipe, it read, "Or give a father figure a home". A fine sentiment but, as it read in the CT online, it should have been "Or give a father figure a home-growing mushroom kit."
Chocolate avocado mousse

2 large avocados
1/4 cup Nestle Bakers' Choice cocoa
2 tsp vanilla extract
3 tbsp maple syrup
1/3 third cup coconut cream
150g dark chocolate (70%) melted
extra grated vegan dark chocolate, to serve
1. Cut the avocados in half and remove the stone. Scoop the flesh into the large bowl of a food processor.
2. Add the cocoa powder, vanilla, maple syrup and coconut cream. Process for 10 seconds. Scrape down the sides and process a further 10 seconds.
3. Add the cooled, melted chocolate. Process for 10-15 seconds or until creamy and smooth.
4. Spoon into serving glasses or dishes. Serve with fresh fruit.
Note: My friend decided that a poached pear or crisp slices of fresh Nashi pear would be great with it so she supplied that, too. She was right.