I’m not even going to attempt to understand how the names on this list were compiled, but Odds Shark created odds for who Kim Kardashian’s next beau will be. And while some were pretty self-explanatory, like Pete Davidson and Kanye West, others were not.
One of those other names, and maybe the most random of the 14 to make the list, was Chris Evans. And before you think, “Wait, Captain America? That’s not so random.” No. It’s not that Chris Evans.
It was Cincinnati Bengals second-year running back Chris Evans. And he appeared just as confused to see his name on the list as anyone.
— Chris Evans (@Kidnplay_abc123) August 11, 2022
Judging by the emoji selection, Evans certainly doesn’t seem against the idea. And he’s got to love his odds. The odds for that Donald Trump guy should probably be a lot longer, though.