Tamil Nadu Assembly Speaker M. Appavu on Saturday said the action of Governor R.N. Ravi deleting some portions in the address that was already approved and adding something on his own, without the knowledge of the elected State government, had lowered the decorum of the Assembly.
Addressing the 84th All India Presiding Officers Conference in Mumbai, he said that the Governor of Kerala had made a mockery of democracy by just reading the last page of his address.
“It will not be accepted by anyone who has faith in democracy. If the ruling party does everything in a democratic way, it will enhance the pride of our nation,” he said.
While assent to Bills passed in the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha is given by the President in one or two days, in many States, the Governors are keeping Bills pending for months, and even years, and the State government has to approach the Supreme Court, he said.
“I spoke about the issue in the last presiding officers conference held at Shimla and pressed for setting a time limit for Governors to give assent to Bills. I will reiterate it [the demand],” he said.
He also spoke of inscriptions about Kudavolai, the starting point for the democracy in modern India, found in Uthiramerur in Kancheepuram district of Tamil Nadu.