Gone are the days of Tinder swipes and Raya links ‘cos a TikToker has uncovered a way to use LinkedIn as a dating app, and I definitely have some … thoughts about it.
To give you a bit of context on how LinkedIn went from a ‘yuge wankfest (in my opinion, don’t come for me) to a luxe dating app, TikToker Candice Gallagher (@candi.licious) began a series called “10 weeks of dating apps”.
On week four she revealed that LinkedIn was her next playing field. When a commenter asked why she picked the professional networking app for dating, she made a video response which has since gone hyper viral.
In her TikTok response, which now has more than one million views, Candice revealed that she used LinkedIn as a dating site due to its filter system.
“I’m looking for A-grade men and @linkedin has A-grade filters!” she wrote in the caption of her video.
“Why am I using LinkedIn as a dating app? The filters,” she explained in the video.
“Number one: I can filter for an education … Number two: I can filter by industry. I’m looking at doctor, lawyer, finance bro. Number three: I can filter by country, which is very important.”
The TikToker then joked that she “unfortunately” cannot filter LinkedIn through height but said “at least there are very good looking photos that [she] can kind of do height analysis on.”
Off the bat … NOPE. Not okay.
There’s a time and place for everything including romance, and LinkedIn is not it. I’ve literally had to report a number of accounts who made me feel uncomfortable because they were trying to use the platform as a hook up app.
Even though I hate LinkedIn with a passion, I still think people should be able to use the app comfortably. Like, as Kim Craig said,”I have a sense of ‘umour”, but I don’t find this funny.
Other commenters have also shared their thoughts about using LinkedIn for dating purposes.
“Aren’t you worried about them reporting your account? If the genders were reversed, this would be realllyy weird. No hate, think about it,” one person wrote.
“Men have been called out for doing this. This isn’t cool. It’s a professional platform. Not cool,” a second added.
“How do you know if they are married or not?” wrote a third.
Some folks spilled their dating experiences in the comment section.
“I checked my then bf’s LinkedIn page after we met through tinder. We are married now. LOL,” one person confessed.
“I have a 30 years old photo there,” a second person joked.
One user, Christina-Lauren Pollack, claimed she is now dating a “top executive” that she met on the professional app.

According to LinkedIn’s Proffesional Community Policies, it doesn’t accept people or content who use the networking platform as a “dating site”.
“LinkedIn is a professional networking platform, not a dating site. Do not use LinkedIn to pursue romantic connections, ask for romantic dates, or provide sexual commentary on someone’s appearance or perceived attractiveness. Do not send unwanted advances in messages, posts, or comments or send sexually explicit images to anyone on the platform,” the policies read.
In LinkedIn’s help forum, it says that it removes content that feature “physical or sexual attraction towards others, requests a romantic relationship, or subjects others to sexually suggestive or explicit content.”
As much as I think that Candice is just being creative in trying to find someone special, but this was not it.
Recently a sparky was flamed for hitting on a woman in her place of work and worst of all, he knew she was married.
It’s just icky, uncomfortable and unprofessional.
The post A Woman Has Gone Viral For Using LinkedIn As A Dating App And I Definitely Have Some Thoughts appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .