The women's golf charity day raised a healthy amount for the planned Cancer Therapy Accommodation facility in Griffith, with just over $1200 hitting the bank accounts following the successful event day.
Griffith's golfers came out in spades for a special charity raffle - presented by the Lions Club in order to raise money for their massive project.
The Griffith Cancer Therapy Accommodation Committee have been hard at work putting together a proposal for a specialised accommodation centre for Griffith, to go alongside the hospital redevelopment for several years.
Chairman of the Griffith Cancer Therapy Accommodation Committee Brian Bortolin said that they had raised the money needed to apply for the next stage, with a deadline to submit by the end of September.
"We've got our 200,000 dollars. At the moment, we're negotiating with the people who are going to design it and once that gets back, it'll come to a point where we put the application in," he said.
"We're also negotiating to find a suitable block of land which we haven't secured as yet."
Mr Bortolin added that in addition to the money side of things, they had been gaining momentum with the community.
"The Lions Club has committed another $10,000 ... People like the golf ladies help, they get the message out there for us. All these little organisations help us. It's getting momentum and people know what's happening."
He assured all that even if the upcoming grant application isn't successful, they would keep at it for the next opportunities.
"As we get closer, we'll know better. We'll know what we're up for and what to expect ... t's a slow process I'm afraid - it's frustrating sometimes but in saying that, when we do get successful, it'll all be worth it."