It’s okay to quit a toxic job. Nobody should have to force themselves to fit into a workplace that keeps draining their energy and stealing their mental peace. Life circumstances and responsibilities might make it more difficult to leave bad jobs, but sometimes, there are other unexpected reasons.
A woman who was working herself to the bone to provide for her family left her toxic workplace, but her controlling partner tried forcing her to go back to it. His behavior forced her to question if she made the right decision.
More info: Mumsnet
Guy gets mad partner quit her difficult and taxing job, expects her to keep working just to earn money
Image credits: Alexander Grey / unsplash (not the actual photo)
The woman explained that she has been working 2 jobs, and that her partner works in the same company as her part-time job but in another sector
Image credits: Yan Krukau / pexels (not the actual photo)
The part-time job was overwhelming, and one day, the woman’s coworkers behaved very aggressively toward her and berated her for a mistake she made
Image credits: Joice Kelly / unsplash (not the actual photo)
The poster felt anxious and nauseous whenever she thought of returning to her part-time job, so she eventually put in her notice
Image credits: Sandywoes
Her partner got extremely mad that she quit her job because, apparently, it reflected badly on him, and he felt she should have stayed in that stressful situation just to earn money
The woman explained that she had taken on a part-time job so that it could supplement her income. The work took up 12 hours of her week and was very demanding. Even though it was a minimum wage job, and her coworkers were rude to her, she was initially reluctant to leave it because of how much it added to her finances.
When folks questioned this and asked whether money was tight, she said that it wasn’t. Actually, her partner had devised a system where both of them would split the household expenses equally. Even though he earns much more, he expects her to pay for half of everything, which includes bills, childcare, and other things.
In most relationships where couples choose to split the bills, they should decide how much each person pays depending on their income level. Experts state that people should pool their income, and if one partner earns 60%, and the other brings in 40%, they should divide their expenses proportionally.
The poster explained that she has asked her partner if they could split the bill that way, but he refused her request. She told commenters, “the finances have always been that way (9+) years. I’d posted about that before, it doesn’t feel fair but this is unfortunately the position I find myself in.” It seems like, for the entirety of their relationship, the man has been dictating how she saves and spends her money.
Image credits: RDNE Stock project / pexels (not the actual photo)
Based on the information that the woman shared about her partner, many netizens stated that it seemed like he has been financially abusing her. This is a tactic where the person controls how the victim gets, uses, and maintains their money. This heavily affects their ability to make decisions and exercise their freedom.
Many folks were concerned for the woman and asked her to either leave the man or reach out to people for support. She replied in the comments, saying, “thank you for all of your advice. I have people around me, wonderful family, and a few friends (not many!), but I haven’t really spoken to anyone about it. I knew things weren’t right.”
When it comes to something as difficult as financial abuse, the victim needs to try and get financially educated first. This will help them truly understand how the other person is exercising control over their money. Another essential factor is to have a good emotional support network or someone to lean on to be able to share these distressing experiences.
It seems like the woman has been trying her best to stay afloat financially, but her partner has been exercising too much control over her money. That’s why he got so angry when she quit her job. Hopefully, that situation helped the lady see his true colors. Maybe the comments from netizens will even convince her that he’s more toxic than the job she just quit.