It's time to meet the contestants in Group B on The Masked Singer season 12. Five new contestants will be joining the show on Sports Night, and one of those contestants is a fluffy pink ball of cuteness named Dust Bunny. So who is Dust Bunny on The Masked Singer season 12?
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Dust Bunny makes their Group B debut in The Masked Singer season 12's Sports Night along with Goo, Bluebell, Chess Piece and Wasp. Take a look at the season synopsis below for a sneak peek of what's to come during the Sports Night episode:
"It’s Sports Night on The Masked Singer and time for the Group B premiere! Panelists Robin Thicke and Rita Ora open the show with a heart-pumping performance of 'Rock You Like A Hurricane' by the Scorpions, introduced by guest announcers and veterans of The Masked Singer, Joel McHale and Nikki Glaser! The five brand-new contestants make their grand debut with songs like 'Rock Your Body,' 'Believe,' 'We Belong,' 'Sweet Caroline' and 'Lose Control' in the all-new Group B Premiere: Sports Night episode of The Masked Singer airing Wednesday, October 16."
Let's look at the clues to see if we can figure out who is Dust Bunny on The Masked Singer season 12!
Who is Dust Bunny on The Masked Singer season 12?
No one guessed that Dust Bunny was Andy Richter, Conan O'Brien's faithful sidekick from Late Night with Conan O'Brien and Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien.
Who is Dust Bunny on The Masked Singer season 12? Theories
Who do the panelists think is under the Dust Bunny mask? We'll keep track of all the guesses right here.
Sports Night theories: Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly, Jay Leno
Who is Dust Bunny on The Masked Singer season 12? Song picks
Which song will Dust Bunny sing in their debut? We'll have it for you right here.
Sports Night song pick: "Sweet Caroline" by Neil Diamond
Who is Dust Bunny on The Masked Singer season 12? Clues
What do the clues reveal about Dust Bunny's identity? Take a look!
Sports Night clues:
Masked Ambassador Clue from Dick Van Dyke: "Hello there, ladies and gentlemen. It’s me, Dick Van Dyke. You may remember me as the cute Gnome from Season 9. Now, I am 98 years old. So, I know a little something about collecting dust. So here is my pal, the Dust Bunny."
Voiceover Clue: "Thanks Dick! Hi, I’m Dust Bunny. I’m here to audition for The Masked Singer because singing has always been a secret ambition of mine. When I was a rookie who first got into the biz, I had a super important job. Making coffee. Until I was asked to stand in for a person to test the lighting, and wouldn’t you know it, apparently I had a face for TV. Since then, I’ve collected quite a list of co-stars. Anne Hathaway, David Bowie, even Marlon Brando. Though no one’s ever seen that footage."
Shoe Clue: Ice Skates. "Well, my attitude in this competition is to burn through it in a blaze of glory."
The Masked Singer season 12 airs Wednesdays at 8 pm ET/PT on Fox and streams the following day on Hulu.