White House spokesperson Ian Sams recently addressed various questions during a live session. One inquiry raised concerns about Mayor Carl's decision to appoint an individual who released a flawed and inappropriate report in violation of department regulations and norms. Sams referred to President Biden's previous remarks regarding the appointment of a special prosecutor, explaining that the President's response covered this topic comprehensively. He did not provide any additional information beyond what had been previously stated.
Another question focused on a report that claimed President Biden had informed his ghostwriter in 2017 about discovering classified material in his residence. Sams clarified that the President was referring to a handwritten letter he had sent to President Obama via fax specifically regarding Afghanistan policy in 2009. The spokesperson emphasized that while the President had described the letter as sensitive, he should have chosen his words more carefully during the conversation with his ghostwriter. The report itself acknowledged the President's caution and care in regards to handling sensitive information and addressed the various theories and evidence presented, ultimately concluding that there was no case to be made against him.
A second point of inquiry related to a statement made by President Biden the previous night, where he asserted that all the classified documents in his possession were stored securely in either locked filing cabinets or cabinets capable of being locked. The report, however, contradicted this claim, stating that some classified documents, such as those pertaining to Afghanistan, were found in an unsealed and damaged box in the President's garage. Sams responded by stating that the President was rebutting several inaccurate allegations made in the report. He highlighted the example of the President's personal diaries, which were mentioned in the report as being stored in his residence, reiterating that this was to be expected and did not add further information to what had already been communicated.
Throughout the live session, Sams emphasized the care the President took when discussing sensitive information with his ghostwriter, cautioning about potential inaccuracies and urging careful consideration. It is important to note that the report thoroughly examined the evidence and theories presented, ultimately concluding that there was insufficient basis for any case against President Biden. The spokesperson's responses aimed to address these points and provide an understanding of the President's perspective on the matter.