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Independent readers have labelled salaries of BBC presenters “gross” and “out of kilter”, with many questioning the justification for their hefty paychecks.
The comments came after the BBC published its annual report including its top paid stars. We asked you what you made of the numbers – and most felt they were overpaid.
Some even claim to have abandoned their TV licences in protest, viewing it as a waste of public funds.
However, others did defend the corporation, highlighting its role in the UK’s creative industry and suggesting commercial sector salaries may be even higher.
Here’s what you had to say:
‘Gross salaries’
To start with they are NOT stars they have no qualifications in the broadcasting industry most of them are there by chance of their family connections and I could name lots of people who have fathers, mothers and siblings in the acting/film industry and why they are paid such gross salaries is an enigma to most people and a big secret to all. WHY?
Football not pundits
I would like to hear how the BBC justifies Lineker's salary because I have a crazy theory that football fans tune in to, er, watch the football.
The presence or absence of Lineker wouldn't make much difference.
‘Out of kilter’
Our household gave up the BBC licence years ago after realising how much the likes of Jonathan Ross, Russell Brand etc and the directors got paid. Even now the salaries paid to the so-called "top" BBC personalities and management are way out of kilter with what they are worth, the public is just being ripped off. Just give up paying the BBC licence and save yourself some money!
‘Big scam’
I got rid of my TV about eight years ago. I think it's a big scam that other terrestrial TV stations are commercially funded yet you still need to pay the BBC for the privilege of watching their live shows. I actually hate TV ( and radio) commercials and also think nobody does better documentaries and current affairs TV than the BBC, but I resent paying the license fee, not least because of the outlandish, indefensible salaries of its 'stars '.
Anyone on the public payroll (from MPs to civil servants, to BBC presenters and executives) should not earn inflated salaries and any public institution should be completely transparent and accountable for every penny of their expenditure.
‘It should be about content’
It should be about the content they present, be it sport, music or anything else, not about the presenter. So, yes, too much money for just linking content, which viewers or listeners are tuning in for.
‘20 pundits for one Lineker’
Yes, they are paid too much.
There is a wealth of talented people in the media who can do a far better job than those already in a high-paying position.
You could get 20 football pundits for the price of one Gary Lineker.
I am sure that Gary Lineker does not do it for the money; he does it for the game, for the fans, and for every one of us. In fact, Gary would do it for free... Isn’t that right, Gary? You would do it for free... Gary, Gary, come back Gary... where are you going....
Sky sports..?
‘Undue criticism’
The BBC plays a very important part in the UK’s creative industry and it’s one of the most reliable sources of unbiased information. It’s a shame the BBC has suffered undue criticism from some commercial media companies who seem intent on shutting it down so they can charge more.
Without knowing the going rate for commercial TV presenters for comparison it’s difficult to say if the BBC pays its presenters too much. Last time I saw comparable pay for TV presenters and executives the commercial sector was paying considerably more.
Some of the comments have been edited for this article. You can read the full discussion in the comments section of the original article.
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