Thousands of Russians gathered to bid farewell to opposition leader Alexei Navalny, defying Vladimir Putin's authority. Navalny's open casket was displayed at a church in Moscow, with only a select few, including his parents, allowed inside amidst a heavy police presence outside. Protesters chanted 'Russia without Putin,' showcasing their bravery in the face of potential arrest by the Kremlin.
Despite mass demonstrations, Russian state television downplayed the events, with the Kremlin refusing to engage with Navalny's family. Navalny's wife accused Putin of orchestrating his death in a penal colony, further fueling tensions.
Navalny's friend, an investigative reporter, highlighted the mix of disbelief and hope among Russians witnessing the funeral. The choice of music, including a song from Navalny's favorite movie 'Terminator 2,' added a symbolic touch to the proceedings, emphasizing Navalny's spirit of resilience.
Speculation surrounds Navalny's death, with theories suggesting a calculated move by Putin to send a message of impunity. The delayed release of Navalny's body and a premeditated character assassination campaign against his wife hint at a sinister plot behind the assassination.