Childhood memories stay with us for life. And what's more fun to a kid than dressing up like their favorite superhero and going trick or treating? Halloween for many of us was that one night a year when we could be as silly as we wanted and try out such costumes as Kraft Macaroni & Cheese.
Here we have a list of some of the most creative Halloween costumes awesome parents made for their kids you'll probably ever see. What's better than a cool costume on a grown-up? A Halloween costume on a kid that's even twice as cool and cute!
#1 My Son Wanted To Be A Smoke Detector For Halloween - What Do You All Think?

Image credits: KnuckleSangwich
#2 Costume I Made For My Grandsons

Image credits: Wendyann Barnshaw-Krupa
#3 This Next Level Horseshoe Crab Halloween Costume

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Adults usually don't shy away from spending during Halloween. The National Retail Federation (NRF) claims that an average person plans to spend $104 during Halloween this year. Decorations, costumes, candy – they call count when it comes to Halloween spending. And parents usually have to spend even more with the addition of children's costumes.
The NRF estimates that spending on children's Halloween costumes should be around $1.3 billion this year. For adult costumes, the number is only slightly higher – $1.8 billion. The most popular costume should be Spider-Man, followed by the classics: ghost, witch, princess, and the generic superhero.
#4 Don't Blink! (My Daughter's Costume, Made By Me)

Image credits: Western_Nebula9624
#5 How Happy This Included Child’s Costume Makes Him. Gives New Meaning To Shark Tank

Image credits: HappyJacket3113
#6 My Son’s Hand Made Halloween Costume. He’s Been Working On It Since April

Image credits: jackjr68
While it's certainly easier to pop into a Halloween costume shop or order a costume online, it's not very sustainable. People wear most costumes only once and then chuck them after Halloween is over. Thrifting or DIYing a costume might be the better choice for those who wish to be more eco-conscious.
In some cases, a DIYed costume might be the only choice. Some people come up with costumes so elaborate or obscure that the only way to fulfil their vision is to go the DIY route. Creative Fabrica analyzed the Google search volume for Halloween last year and found that Barbie, pirate, scarecrow, and Velma Dinkley were the most popular costumes people DIYed for Halloween 2023.
#7 Our Cousin In Posted This. "Alex Wanted To Be A UPS Man For Halloween. I Told Mr. Tim, Our Super Nice UPS Delivery Driver At Work, And He Showed Up The Next Day With The Official Uniform For Alex "

Image credits: jlawrence128
#8 After Our Son Spent Almost Two Months In The NICU And Came Home Earlier This Month It Was An Easy Decision For His First Halloween Costume

Image credits: hjharrison108
#9 Costume Contest Winner

Image credits: shawnharri5
DIYing a costume for kids has another upside: parents can choose sensory-friendly materials. Oftentimes, Halloween costumes are made from synthetic fabrics which can feel itchy and unpleasant to the touch. Kids rarely are able to tolerate cheap fabrics on their skin for long, and DIYing allows parents to choose fabrics like cotton which are way more comfortable and breathable.
#10 My Best Friend Handmade A Skunk Costume For My Kid’s First Halloween

Image credits: Thea_From_Juilliard
#11 You Guys Have Seen The Hat Already But Here Is The Completed "Sally Witch". I'm So Excited With How Everything Turned Out!

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#12 My Friend Logan And His Daughter As Sully And Boo From Monsters Inc. On Halloween

Image credits: Coryeavesap
Superheros and princesses became popular Halloween costumes only around the 1950s. Before then, people would mostly DIY their costumes: ghosts, witches, fairies, and etc. Teens and youths would also use Halloween as an opportunity for vandalism. So much so, that some cities even considered banning the holiday.
#13 Last Year‘S Got Halloween Costume With My Three Little Dragons Was Probably My Favorite Ever

Image credits: emilydawnl
#14 My Daughter's Mushroom Costume

Image credits: coveredinstars
#15 Our Son Wanted To Go As Macaroni And Cheese For Halloween

Image credits: TheRealBigLou
In the '50s, kids started dressing up as characters from popular culture. Cowboys, Batman, Frankenstein, and Mickey Mouse were some of the most popular costumes. At the end of the '60s, after the Apollo 11 mission, kids also started dressing up as astronauts. In 1966, Barbie was the most popular Halloween costume, although the first doll came out in 1959.
#16 I Know I’m Super Late But Happy Halloween From My Daughter

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#17 Made My Nephew A Snail Costume For His First Halloween
My sister in law asked me a while back to make him a hat, because they one they had ordered online was a bit too large and the eye stalks didn’t stay up. After I finished that, it just seemed incomplete so she asked me to make the shell too. It’s not my best work, but I’m proud considering I had no pattern or measurements. I used Bernant blanket yarn for the shell, big twist for the eyestalks, moss and mushroom and lion brand heartland for the hat and straps.

Image credits: ccice_
#18 Made My Daughter A Princess Mononoke Costume For Halloween This Year

Image credits: Joliet4
The '70s changed the game and people have been dressing up as horror movie characters ever since. Michael Myers from Halloween, Freddy Krueger, Ghostface from Scream and many other now-pop culture staples became the most popular Halloween costumes. And so did other cartoon characters from the 1990s and the 2000s: Bart Simpson, Spongebob Squarepants, and the Power Rangers.
#19 I Made My Son A Cyborg Costume

Image credits: According-Net-7164
#20 I Painted This Suit For My Friend’s Son. He Wanted To Be Elton John For Halloween

Image credits: Equine-Porcine
#21 Son Wanted To Be Doc Oct This Year

Image credits: LooberQ
Dressing up is only one part of the Halloween fun. For kids, trick or treating is just (if not more) as exciting. Although some polls show that people get fewer trick-or-treaters each year, the tradition is still very much alive and well. Today, we say that trick-or-treating became a staple of popular culture when it was featured in the Peanuts comic strip in 1951.
#22 My Father Made These Halloween Costumes For Me When I Was Younger And I Wanted To Share

Image credits: Cerulean225
#23 Triplets Wanted To Be Just Like Daddy For Halloween

Image credits: stratpack81
#24 Our Kids And The Neighbors Kids Dressed Up As Kiss Last Year For Halloween

Image credits: DarthGG
Trick or treating was starting to become popular in the U.S. in the '20s and '30s. Unfortunately, WWII derailed its rise. The government had to start rationing sugar and that led to a shortage of sweets children could use for Halloween festivities. As soon as they lifted the ban in 1947, companies rushed to commercialize Halloween once again.
#25 I Made My Daughters Halloween Costume This Year

Image credits: DMmeYourCat
#26 My 5yo Daughter Wanted To Be A Princess Darth Vader For Halloween. So Proud

Image credits: JonXP
#27 Halloween Costume And A Tiny Cruella Deville And Her Mini Dalmatians

Image credits: circus_pugs
Disney showed kids how trick-or-treating should be done exactly in their 1956 eight-minute short film featuring Donald Duck. Even the UN got into the trick-or-treating game when, in 1950, they gave kids cardboard boxes to collect any spare coins from their Halloween fun.
#28 Princess Fiona And Shrek

Image credits: be_yzee
#29 Wife Made A Demogorgon Costume For Our Little Dude

Image credits: According-Penalty389
#30 See You In Your Nightmares

Image credits: daisy.rae.xx
Do you remember your best childhood Halloween costume, Pandas? Or maybe you have some little Pandas of your own for whom you can make these kinds of cute outfits? Are you going DIY or buying? Maybe you're making a family costume? Let us know in the comments!
#31 My Daughter Designed And Made This. I Had No Idea About Her Imagination And Talent

Image credits: GypsyNicks
#32 I Can The Daaammmnn

Image credits: layverttt
#33 Mommy Pizza And Her Baby Slices

Image credits: rbitalia
#34 My Son Wanted To Be A Bowl Of Spaghetti

Image credits: katto
#35 Finished My Son's Wall-E Costume Today

Image credits: MusiKxKaT
#36 Barad Dur . For The Lotr Fans
I asked my son what he wanted to be for Halloween and he said "the tower of Sauron!!" Sadly they don't sell towers at Party City. So I found a way. ? It was a labour of love, we had so much fun and he got lots of attention trick-or-treating tonight! He even made a little kid cry (oops) ? (apparently the eye looked creepy at night haha). There was a flickering light inside the eye to make it look like flames. Happy Halloween everyone!

Image credits: KarenButNotAKaren11
#37 That Year I Was A Picnic Table
Fairly certain my mom got the idea out of either Highlights or American girl magazine. This was probably ‘94, and definitely my best costume ever.

Image credits: KatsFeetsies
#38 My Daughter As Pennywise

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#39 I Finished My Daughter's Halloween Costume With A Crochet Chicken Hat, Leg Warmers, And Chicken Feet

Image credits: chorski
#40 He Stood Still For Three Hours To Get His Custom Made Iron Man Costume Made From Balloons

Image credits: lexxy18
#41 My Son Wanted To Be Pikachu For Halloween. He Wanted The Costume To Be Fat With A Round Head, Like Pikachu Really Is. I Think I Met His Needs

Image credits: alexandercecil
#42 My Daughter Was Worried No One Would ‘Get’ Her Costume, It Was Big Hit With All The Gen X Parents

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#43 My Little Corpse Bride And Invisible Man Are Off To The School Halloween Disco

Image credits: mamareid
#44 I Work At Haunted Houses. I Have A Ringleader Character. I Dressed My Son Up Like Me And Had Our Photos Taken At The Haunt

Image credits: g0thmom
#45 My 2yr Old Son As Pennywise. I Made The Entire Costume And Am Extremely Happy With How It Turned Out

Image credits: hydeiamsticky
#46 I Made My Son A Back To The Future Delorean Costume For Halloween

Image credits: motherofgrom
#47 My Friend Had No Idea What She Wanted To Be For Halloween Yesterday. Today, When We Expected Her Costume-Less, She Walked Into Class Like This

Image credits: AkiriMatsumiku
#48 Can You Guess What Character She’s Dressed As? I Had Fun Making This

Image credits: giographix510
#49 Wife Finished My Kids Halloween Costume

Image credits: Bella-D-Doggo
#50 My Kid’s Costume

Image credits: RaenahGoodfellow