Warning! The following contains spoilers for Episode 12 of The Flash Season 9, called "A New World, Part Three," and the preview for the finale, "A New World, Part Four."
The Flash is just one episode away from closing out the series, and The CW show is going all-out. It looks like Grant Gustin's Barry Allen will go head-to-head with some of his worst enemies, as Eddie Thawne's transformation into Cobalt Blue will bring some other notable characters from the past to Central City. Tom Cavanagh will return as Reverse-Flash, and I'm absolutely psyched about who else we'll see in the series finale based on the trailer.
The trailer for the series finale of The Flash is short but absolutely worth a watch. Check it out below, and read on for a breakdown of who all we see in this stupendously exciting footage:
Have I mentioned how glad I am to see Tom Cavanagh back in The Flash again? Let's dive into that, as well as the other characters who will be a part of Barry's biggest fight yet in the upcoming series finale.
After Reverse-Flash was killed off in Season 8, Eobard Thawne has once again found his way back to annoy The Flash. I couldn't be happier because the Harrison Wells iteration of Thawne has always been the definitive big bad of this series for me. It's good to see Tom Cavanagh back in his yellow suit, even if it somewhat diminishes Thawne's ultimate defeat in the previous season.
Hunter Zolomon (Zoom/Black Flash)
The Flash revealed ahead of this trailer that actor Teddy Sears would return as Hunter Zolomon, also known as the villainous speedster Zoom. The villain appears in his classic speedster suit, although his face is seemingly restored after it was disfigured when he turned into Black Flash. Is this the more classic Zoom we saw ripped from the past, or does Zolomon still have some of his memories as Black Flash? I can't wait to find out!
Savitar was a mystery villain throughout most of Season 3 of The Flash, but turned out to be a time remnant of a Barry Allen from a potential future. It's possible that's the case in this return, though the red eyes have me thinking this could be the negative Speed Force manifesting inside the shell of the Savitar suit. This might also be the actual Savitar from Season 3, seeing as we hear the timeline is breaking down.
Jay Garrick
Jay Garrick (John Wesley Shipp) is back on The Flash, and it looks like he's one of Barry's few returning allies in this series finale. Here's hoping that more friends will join the fray because I'm not sure Barry can take down some of his greatest foes with just the help of Team Flash as it stands. Jay will at least be able to help aid against the various villainous speedsters appearing all at once and maybe save Nora from that attack we see from Savitar.
The Flash will come to an end on The CW on Wednesday, May 24th, at 8:00 p.m. ET. Now would be a great time to reference the 2023 TV schedule to see what other shows are on the way, seeing as viewers will have a gap in their schedule with this great series ending.