There’s a reason Married At First Sight (MAFS) keeps exploding in popularity — the storylines are sometimes too far-fetched to believe. When you chuck a bunch of strangers into a high-pressure experiment, it really does bring the best and worst out of people.
Honestly, you can’t write half the stuff that happens! From a bride claiming to have cheated with her brother, to one of the most iconic MAFS-themed songs in history, there have been some truly memorable moments.
It’s about time we took a squiz at all the times our jaws dropped while watching MAFS. Ready? Let’s go!
11. David’s toothbrush revenge on Hayley, Season 7

When groom David Cannon took Hayley Vernon’s toothbrush and used it to scrub the toilet, Australia was horrified. He was trying to get back at Hayley for possibly kissing Michael Goonan, but it’s safe to say he went way too far.
He filmed his gross act and sent it to his castmates, before putting the toothbrush back as if nothing had happened. Hayley ended up using the toothbrush for multiple days after the toilet saga.
Nine Network’s head of content production and development, Adrian Swift, told Variety Australia they didn’t want to air the scene.
“We thought it was just stupid and mean and awful and undergraduate, just everything. But it was so material to all the relationships in that group, that we couldn’t excise it,” he said.
“So we’re kind of hoist on our own petard a bit here. We put things to air that we don’t want to go to air, but we certainly don’t believe all publicity is good publicity and we believe that it is absolutely possible to go too far on these shows.”
10. Harrison’s printed ‘evidence’, Season 10

Walking red flag Harrison Boon had a grand plan to take down his ex Bronte Schofield during the MAFS 2023 Reunion Dinner Party. To the delight of the group — and Australia — it completely backfired on the groom.
Wanting to expose Bronte for messaging the 20-year-old girl he had been dating, he revealed her actions. The group didn’t seem to care, so Harrison whipped out printed screenshots of their messages.
“He’s got the screenshots in his pocket!” Ollie Skelton exclaimed. “In MAFS history, have you ever seen someone use props? This is so ridiculous.”
“I’m surprised he knows how to use a printer,” Claire Nomarhas joked.
It was glorious, it was hilarious, and it will forever be remembered as one of MAFS’ most iconic moments.
9. Beck cheating with her ‘brother’, Season 8

In Season 8, Rebecca Zemek went home to Perth to visit her sick dog. While she was away from her husband Jake Edwards, she was tasked with filming her time away from the experiment… which she did a little too well.
At one point, she accidentally left the camera rolling while she met up with a mystery man and started kissing him off-camera. Busted!
After the footage was played for Jake and the entire cast, Beck was flustered and claimed that the man was her BROTHER. Oh Beck, that doesn’t make this sitch better!
The group didn’t believe her, so she decided to come clean.
“My dog needed transporting and I reached out to an old burn, who actually took Oscar to the clinic for me,” she said. “When I saw him, emotion kind of sparked with us. And we did… we shared a kiss.”
8. Dean and Davina’s OG cheating scandal, Season 5

Season 5 saw Dean Wells and Davina Rankin embark on the first cheating scandal. Escaping their partners Tracey Jewel and Ryan Gallagher, the pair found time to spend together in secret during a Dinner Party.
“I want to kiss you so bad,” Davina told Dean.
“There is that fire in the belly with Davina that I haven’t had with Tracey,” Dean told producers.
While Davina and Dean made a plan to start a new relationship together in the experiment, Dean changed his mind at the last minute. Instead, he revealed their affair during a Commitment Ceremony, and begged for forgiveness from Tracey.
Davina was blindsided and ended up leaving the experiment. She dodged a bullet, TBH!
7. Martha and Cyrell’s wine-gate, Season 6

After Cyrell Paule smashed a fruit bowl during an argument with Martha Kalifatidis, it’s no shock that the pair butted heads during the Reunion Dinner Party. After Cyrell mocked Martha’s husband Michael for having “no balls”, Martha decided to dump her entire glass of wine on Cyrell’s head.
Not one to shy away from confrontation, Cyrell ran after Martha and poured red wine all over Martha’s white dress.
The pair sat down to try and make up after their fight, but Cyrell rejected Martha’s apology.
“You are as fake as your nose, lip and boob job. It’s a shame you couldn’t find a plastic surgeon that could fix your personality because that’s what’s the fakest the most honey,” Cyrell said.
“And your bullshit story means shit to me. And you know what? That red stain suits you. Because you’re as trashy as your dress. Goodbye.”
Mic! Drop!
6. Jack’s ‘muzzle’ comment, Season 11

Jack Dunkley was one of the worst grooms on MAFS 2024. Not only did he often wear shorts that looked like undies, but he spewed some vile nonsense during heated arguments.
At one Dinner Party, Lauren Dunn called out Jack for a comment he had made to her husband Jono McCullough at the gym. According to Jono, Jack said that if he and wife Tori Adams hadn’t had sex by the Couple Swap, he wanted another groom to do it instead.
After Lauren and Jack’s argument got heated, Jack turned to Jono and said: “Can you muzzle your woman?”
His wife Tori, who is still with him to this day, took to Instagram to reveal her thoughts at the time.
“I am Jack’s wife. Not his mother… it’s not my role to discipline him for his behaviour. It is my role to support him and stand by him whilst making it very known that I don’t agree with some of his actions and choice of words,” she wrote.
“I won’t be held responsible for someone else being offended on my behalf for a joke that was not intended for their ears. That’s all.”
5. Booka writing the song ‘Brett’, Season 9

After Booka Nile was asked to cater to her husband Brett Helling for an evening, she wrote the strangest song called ‘Brett’. And yep, all the lyrics were just his name.
She decorated “Palace Brett” with photos of the groom, named one of the plants after him, and played him the song while nodding along.
The singer later performed the song live in WA with her band Internet Friends, and you can even find it on Spotify. It’s so passive-aggressive, in the best way.
Brett wasn’t the biggest fan of Booka’s music, making a snarky remark at Nova’s Fitzy and Wippa Dinner Party.
“She actually has a beautiful voice but the metal music sounds like a car crash,” he said. Ouch.
4. Paul punching a wall, Season 12

On a more serious note, MAFS took a sharp turn in 2025 when Paul Antoine admitted to punching a wall after an argument with Carina Mirable. While there have been calls from intimate partner violence charities and viewers to have Paul removed from the show, producers allowed him to stay as long as he had extra therapy sessions.
However, this will likely be the event that MAFS 2025 is remembered for, which NSW Police are now investigating the incident.
3. Olivia and Dom’s explosive fight, Season 9

Olivia Frazer and Domenica Calarco’s feud started with an argument that reached boiling point. During the couples retreat, Olivia called Dom’s fight style “aggressive” and told her to “choose her words carefully.”
“I’m sick of hearing you. I’m sick of your voice yelling all the time. I’m bored of your voice,” Olivia said.
Dom was visibly upset and told Olivia that she had always been told her “voice isn’t okay”, before smashing her wine glass down on the table and storming off.
Season 10 bride Claire Nomarhas told Nova’s Fitzy and Wippa that all the glassware on set had since been changed to plastic cups. It’s likely due to Dom and Olivia’s fight — producers wouldn’t want to see this happen again on set.
2. Bryce tells Melissa she’s ‘not… ugly’, Season 8

Bryce Ruthven and Melissa Rawson are one of the most controversial MAFS couples. Somehow, they’ve defied the odds and stayed together since meeting on the show in 2020. The couple welcomed twin boys in 2021 and tied the knot in 2023.
But at the start of their MAFS journey, Bryce revealed Melissa wasn’t his usual type during their honeymoon honesty box challenge.
“I’ve always gone for the blonde hair, blue eyes, tan kinda girl. And usually tall. I can’t say 100 per cent I’d come up to you in a bar and buy you a drink,” he told Melissa. “When I first saw you I thought, ‘Not my type’. But, I thought, ‘She’s not… ugly?’.”
Melissa ended up leaving the room in tears, and it’s a surprise they were able to bounce back from this at all!
1. Jayden’s wild cheating story, Season 14

Jayden Eynaud confessed to his wife Eden Harper he once found out his ex-girlfriend cheated on him during a past relationship. Instead of dealing with this in a normal way, he decided he needed revenge.
“I told her that I was willing to give her another chance, but [that] I’m gonna sleep with her best friend while she watches,” he said.
“One of her friends agreed to do it. So after a bit of chatting for a few days, it happened.”
Jayden told Eden he didn’t regret his actions, which made the bride visibly upset.
“The story was gross and I didn’t like it at all,” Eden told producers. “He didn’t seem to regret it, that was the concerning part.”
Ooft. Considering we’ve still got Homestays and the wild Final Test Week coming up for MAFS 2025, we’ll probably be able to update this with some juicy moments soon. It’s gonna be a wild ride!
The post The 11 Most Shocking, Messy & Downright Cringe Moments In MAFS History appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .