Tenacious D, comprised of Jack Black and Kyle Gass, recently delighted fans with a cover of Britney Spears' iconic hit, '...Baby One More Time.' Following a viral TikTok clip, the duo released a full version of the song, coinciding with the premiere of Kung Fu Panda 4, where the track plays over the end credits.
The music video for the cover was filmed at the film's world premiere, adding a touch of corporate synergy to the mix. In the video, Tenacious D, along with band members John Spiker, John Konesky, and Scott Seiver, can be seen dancing and goofing around on the red carpet. The duo even roped in co-stars like Awkwafina, Ke Huy Quan, and James Hong for some fun shenanigans.
Bryan Cranston and Dustin Hoffman also make appearances in the video, with Cranston showing enthusiasm while Hoffman appears more reserved. Black shared that the idea for the cover came about when the film's director expressed interest in having a Tenacious D song for the end credits, leading to the choice of Spears' hit for its kung fu vibe.
Black expressed openness to collaborating with Spears on a duet version of the song or a new track, stating his eagerness for such a project. Spears, who rose to fame with '...Baby One More Time' in 1998, recently announced her reluctance to return to the music industry, citing her preference for writing for fun or for other artists.
Despite Spears' stance on her music career, the enduring popularity of her debut hit continues to inspire artists like Tenacious D to pay homage to her iconic track, showcasing the lasting impact of her music on the industry.