Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov has pledged to intensify efforts to tackle criminal activities on the messaging platform following his recent preliminary charges by French authorities. This marks Durov's first public statement since facing allegations of allowing the app to be used for illicit purposes.
In a Telegram post, Durov defended himself against the French judicial investigation, arguing that holding a CEO personally accountable for crimes committed by third parties on the platform is a flawed approach. He emphasized the challenges of building technology and the potential deterrent effect on innovation if individuals can be held liable for misuse of tools.
While acknowledging that Telegram is not a lawless environment, Durov attributed the platform's vulnerabilities to its rapid user growth, which made it easier for criminals to exploit. He expressed his commitment to enhancing measures to address these issues and assured users of forthcoming updates on progress in this area.
French authorities detained Durov at Le Bourget airport in August and questioned him for four days as part of a broader investigation. He was subsequently released on bail and is required to report to a police station twice a week. The allegations against Durov include claims that Telegram facilitates activities such as child sexual abuse material and drug trafficking, and that the platform failed to cooperate with investigators.
In response, Durov highlighted Telegram's existing mechanisms for addressing illegal content, including an official EU representative and channels for reporting violations. He noted that French authorities had multiple avenues to seek cooperation and cited prior collaboration efforts to combat terrorism threats in France.
Durov's post underscored the importance of directing legal actions against internet services rather than individual executives in cases of dissatisfaction with a platform. He emphasized Telegram's willingness to engage with authorities and reiterated the company's commitment to enhancing security measures.