Ben Beaumont didn't hold back when two teenagers were found guilty of murdering his son Angus after the 15-year-old was fatally stabbed in a robbery north of Brisbane.
"Rot in hell you feral scum ... who's laughing now?".
Angus died after a knife was thrust 14cm into his chest and through his heart in a fight with the two teenage boys - who can't be named - at Redcliffe in March 2020.
The two boys were 14 at the time. One is now 16 and the other is 17.
CCTV footage of the incident was shown during the Supreme Court trial with Angus' parents - Mr Beaumont and Michelle Liddle - tearfully looking on.
After the jury's verdict was delivered on Thursday, Mr Beaumont took aim at the two teens as they sat with blank faces in court.
Sitting next to a sobbing Ms Liddle, Mr Beaumont delivered his blast before staring down the teens' families and supporters on the other side of the court, separated by security.
"Oh God," was all Ms Liddle said before breaking down again.
There were also tears among the two teens' families and supporters, with one woman yelling "this is bull***t" and another repeatedly saying "kangaroo court".
Mr Beaumont didn't hide his emotions outside court either after enduring the CCTV footage during the trial which also appeared to show the two teens congratulating each other as Angus lay dying on the ground nearby.
"Watching them kill our son and then high-fiving each other for a job well done, well I didn't see any high fives in there today," he said.
CCTV footage captured the March 2020 incident which unfolded after the teens pursued a group of youths that included Angus and tried to rob them of cannabis.
Wearing knuckle dusters and handed a knife by another member of his group, Angus decided to "take a stand" and confronted the duo, telling them to "f*** off".
But after taking just three steps toward them, Angus was set upon in a two-on-one fight, not raising his knife until after he had been stabbed in the chest.
CCTV footage showed one of the teens attempting another strike as the year 10 student fell to the ground.
A murder weapon was never recovered, but the 14cm depth of the wound suggested it was "bigger than your average steak knife" and had been described as a hunting knife by a witness.
The two teenagers will be sentenced at a later date.
"They robbed and killed my son. The laws need to change to imprison these children, these violent offenders," Mr Beaumont said.
"Concurrent sentencing doesn't work, anonymity doesn't work ... for repeat offenders - we've had enough."
Ms Liddle said the verdict was bittersweet.
"It doesn't bring our son back, but I don't feel it is just a win for us, it is a win for other victims of juvenile crime," she told reporters.
"If they have no repercussions this is what happens. Victims are created ... like us. It's just not fair.
"If our son had lived he would have been in trouble, he would have been grounded ... but we don't have that luxury. He's gone and he's not coming home."
A verdict after the trial before Justice David Jackson was reached following less than a day of jury deliberations.