Stellar Magazine
Wes Anderson
Starsky & Hutch
is on the cover of , looking exceedingly moustachey. And handsome.
Are you ok? Because I’m not ok. I don’t want to be dramatic but I’m simply not ok!
The crisp, tan suit that has been tailored by someone who clearly loves Tony? The lemony, shirty situation underneath? The gold chain? The perfectly tousled hair and groomed to the Gods moustache? The random plant placement? It’s giving directing a remake.
And who could forget that smile… that damn smile.
But with every good news story, there undoubtedly comes a twist. This time, it’s the fact this magazine cover is merely a sneak peek. A crumb. A mere morsel, with the full three-course degustation to be served on Sunday when is published.
The fickle mistresses knew what they were doing when they decided to give the people a wee looksie at the Tony Armstrong magazine cover a few days in advance. And I, for one, both love them and hate them for it.
Stellar Magazine
The post STOP THE PRESS: Tony Armstrong Officially Has His Own Magazine Cover appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .