Counting will recommence on Monday to determine the make-up of Singleton Council following Saturday's by-election.
Just under 6000 polling place votes had been counted at 10.30pm on Saturday.
Independent councillor Danny Thompson had secured 2078 votes or 17.61 per cent of the vote. He was closely followed by Shooters, Fishers and Farmers representative Mel McLachlan with 1988 votes (16.84 per cent)
ALP candidate Tony Jarrett secured 1498 votes (12.69 per cent), Independent Godfrey Adamthwaite had 1193 votes (10.11 per cent) and ALP candidate Sarah Johnstone had 832 votes (7.05 per cent).
Almost 40 per cent of registered voters had submitted their ballot via prepoll.
Singleton residents were sent back to the polls after a February Supreme Court ruling found the results from December's election were "void" due to a failure with the online iVote system.
According to the NSW Electoral Commission, 55 of the 2467 ballots cast online in December's election "failed".
In December, councillors Godfrey Adamthwaite, Danny Thompson, Mel McLachlan and Tony Jarrett were all elected on the first count.
The final result required a total of 11 counts, with Belinda Charlton elected on the seventh, Hollee Jenkins on the tenth and Sue George, Tony McNamara and Val Scott on the final count.
First preferences in the election had Sarah Johnstone on track to secure a spot on council, however, final counting saw Ms Johnstone miss out by just three votes to Cr Val Scott.
However, due to her higher place on the voting card and a familiarity with campaigning process, Ms Johnstone told the Newcastle Herald on Friday she was "more confident" going in to this election.
"We won't know the final results for a couple of weeks but if I am placed in the first five after first preferences I think I'll be okay," Ms Johnstone said.
Mayor Sue Moore said last week that the prospect of having to bring new councillors up to speed was "frustrating", but the team dynamic on council meant projects would not be delayed.
"Whoever the team of councillors is after this Saturday, we just want to get back to normal."
Kempsey and Shellharbour also had by-elections.