Superstar investor and real-estate guru Barbara Corcoran is usually full of helpful tips and advice. Her Twitter often features anecdotes about building confidence, being observant, and nurturing humility.
But Corcoran's tweet on April 4 had some followers double-taking her account at what one Twitter user called "the opposite of true Barb." Her original tweet read, "When you're poor, taking chances [is] easier because you have nothing to lose and nowhere to go but up."
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Talk about a bad take. Someone will need to define the term "paycheck-to-paycheck" for this one. A few users pointed out that the risks are so much higher for folks living near or under the poverty line. One user called it a "bad look," and asked "Rich people risk what? A lot of money that they can afford to lose?"
Others pointed to Corcoran's own background, believing that she should know better. Corcoran has recalled relying on the charity of others for food at times during her childhood.
Perhaps this hot take was meant to be inspirational, but it comes off as remarkably tone-deaf. If breaking out of cycles of poverty was easy, nearly 38 million Americans wouldn't be struggling to make ends meet.
Corcoran typically uses social media to educate the folks at home about the real estate market. But generally, successful, wealthy people might want to steer away from Tweeting about poverty. More often than not, their perspectives come across as dismissive and overly-simplistic.