A failure by the State Emergency Service to provide key evidence will not stop an inquest being held into two deaths that occurred during catastrophic flooding in central-west NSW.
Both 85-year-old Ljubisa "Les" Vugec and 60-year-old Diane Smith died on November 14, 2022 during a major flood in the town of Eugowra, west of Orange.
The flash flood destroyed or damaged 80 per cent of the homes in the town, which has population of 800, and led to 159 rescues.
A week-long inquest into Mr Vugec's and Ms Smith's deaths is scheduled to begin on October 13, 2025 at Orange courthouse.

On Tuesday, Deputy State Coroner David O'Neil lashed out at the NSW SES after hearing the agency had repeatedly failed to provide statements about their operations at the time of the Eugowra floods.
Mr Vugec's daughters Sharon Radwick and Sonia Vugec, and Ms Smith's son David Smith, watched the hearing by audio-visual link.
Counsel assisting Sophie Callan SC told Lidcombe Coroners Court she had requested clarification about who was the on-call officer on November 13 and 14, 2022.
She said she had also asked for more information about the SES's role generally when it came to flood events, its response to the Eugowra disaster and whether any improvements had been made since then.
Mr O'Neil blasted SES solicitor Howard Mullen after he told the court his client would get the information to the inquiry within the week.
"Your client needs to understand a coronial investigation is to be taken very seriously and complied with," the coroner said.
If statements are not provided, witnesses from the SES will be compelled to give evidence personally in court.