Our latest free sample pack is a collection of glitched-out and experimental drum loops: 345 of them, to be exact, across nine different tempos. The beats are on the whole, dense and twitchy (triplets mixed with dotted, swings against straight beats, that kinda thing), though there's plenty of groove available too.
The beats were created with multiple sampler layers (all electronic, either from drum machines or synths), though only 3 or 4 were used simultaneously, and the sum was sent to eight effects groups. The output was then edited down into highlights, and then the groups and sampler settings tweaked again to produce a second batch, i.e. 16 groups stripes across the tempo ranges.
The highlights were, again, edited out and then chaff discarded. The groups ranged from Stutter Edit effects, through bit reduction (UAD OTO Biscuit) and distortion (iZotope Trash2), to randomised extreme filter effects (Arturia Minifilter V and UAD Moog Multimode XL), with plenty of compression and tonal tweaking along the way.
These samples are just in their first iteration, so we recommend making them your own with filtering, stretching, pitching, mangling, chopping and blending.
What you need to know
Because they're royalty-free, you're welcome to use the samples in your music in any way you like - all we ask is that you don't re-distribute them.
The samples are supplied in a zip file, so you'll need to extract them before you can see them. Enjoy!
Example sounds
Glitch drums samples: click to download

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