Director Matt Reeves reboots one of the biggest superhero franchises in cinema history this week as Warner Bros.’ The Batman hits theaters. Feeling very much like a spiritual heir to Christopher Nolan’s acclaimed The Dark Knight and here to fulfill the promise of an ongoing Batman series with an ever-growing rogues’ gallery and cast of supporting characters, this is the Batman movie we’ve been waiting for.

While Michael Keaton returns to take over bat-cowl duties for DCEU crossover movies later this year in The Flash, it is Robert Pattinson who now fills the title role for the Caped Crusader’s solo franchise films. And like Christian Bale in Nolan’s The Dark Knight trilogy, Pattinson’s Batman exists in his own grounded world of illusionary realism, without other superheroes or supernaturalism.
I mention this up front because I think it’s crucial to why this film will dominate the box office. Tracking points to a $100+ million opening weekend stateside, but most of Hollywood is buzzing that all indications are somewhere closer to $110-120 million. I think it will top $125 million domestic, as people seek a few hours solace away from continuing horrifying news about the Russian invasion of Ukraine and take advantage of the current (temporary) lull in Covid spread to take their families out.
Overseas is a trickier proposition, since obviously a week from now things in European countries could be very different, so how much the public there and elsewhere is venturing out in large numbers for public events remains to be seen — but I suspect the same factors will apply there as apply at home, with the combination of reduced Covid spread plus a desire for distraction from the stress and anger about world events during the other 21 hours of the day equalling people flocking to a new Batman movie that looks like exactly what it is — a glorious, jaw-dropping love letter to everything everybody loves most about Batman.
Spider-Man: No Way Home proved billion dollar box office business is possible these days again, but I expect the combination of Covid concerns, war concerns, and the fact the film streams on HBO Max beginning April 19th will factor into the final box office tally for The Batman. But it doesn’t need to hit $1 billion to be a win, and it will make more than enough in the U.S. alone, to say nothing of international markets, to ensure the end of its theatrical run is financially successful enough to make everyone happy.
Now, let’s get to my full review of The Batman!

I can describe The Batman in a way that’s oversimplifying but correct, and which you’ll immediately be able to wrap your head around. Take the movie Seven, put the killer from Zodiac in it, and have Batman from The Dark Knight (and Bruce Wayne from The Dark Knight Rises) show up. There’s far more nuance, but that’s a one-sentence way to think of the setup and feel. And it is spectacular.
Now add many more characters from the comics, plus costumes and characters that are comics-accurate even while grounded, a perpetually overcast sprawling cityscape carved up by dark alleys and rainy streets, and exceptionally choreographed and staged action sequences in greater number than any prior Batman movie.
The last remark isn’t a knock on previous iterations, since obviously many of them had exciting action scenes. But The Batman has the mastery and impact of Snyder’s fight scenes combined with the practical effects and real-world aura of Nolan’s big chases or battle-scale sequences, and a lot more of them in different shapes and sizes.

The first trailer we got for The Batman really does an excellent job conveying the tone and atmosphere of the film. And for the record, the trailers have mostly taken their footage from the first 20 minutes or so, plus a small number of scenes elsewhere in the film, so there’s a great deal still kept hidden — it is a detective mystery, after all.
Which is one of the best things about Reeves’ The Batman — it’s a detective thriller from start to finish, full of mysteries upon mini-mysteries. As one layer peels back, all manner of unexpected things fall from underneath to reveal deeper layers than expected. A good comparison would be, again, the mystery investigations from Seven and Zodiac combined with a dash of Gone Baby Gone and a bit of LA Confidential. That’s terrific company to sit among, and The Batman deserves every bit of the comparison — as well as its obvious influences from 1970s neo-noir cinema including Chinatown, Mean Streets, and Taxi Driver.
What makes The Batman such a magnificent return for the franchise boils down to the very thing that made me certain years ago that Matt Reeves was the best person to take over the Batman franchise some day. Reeves sees the essence of stories and characters, and mastered the delicate dance required to work the best ideas and most fantastical ideas into a believable narrative that you convince yourself is entirely grounded and immersive. His Planet of the Apes movies demonstrate this nicely, sci-fi action storytelling with intense character drama so relatable and believable it makes you feel (not think) you’re seeing a realistic what-if scenario portrayed with great verisimilitude. The result is an idealized representation of the potential.
Previous Batman movies (which I ranked here, from best to worst) fall into three main eras to discuss first — the Burton era, the Nolan era, and the Snyder era. These are the three relevant to my initial point about the inspiration and construction of The Batman. Then I’ll talk about Schumacher’s films and the 1966 movie after, since they aren’t as significant in terms of what I’m about to discuss but still deserve mention.
Each filmmaker presented Batman from a specific overall perspective, founded on key concepts and approaches from the source material that define their eras with the character. Burton’s Batman is filtered through nightmarish gothic atmosphere and symbolism. Nolan’s Batman is probably best defined by the preference for being grounded in illusionary realism. Snyder’s Batman is the most “comic book faithful” with visual grandeur and a tale of Batman as monster, creature, and violent urban legend. In each case, the core feature — grounded realism, gothic atmosphere, or comic faithfulness and mythic presentation — is an important, powerful representation of Batman.
Matt Reeves takes each of those core approaches, those best-of-the-best aspects of Batman and how to present him in live action, and merged them into something reflecting all of those strengths. While in the previous eras those approaches were powerful on their own, Reeves knew that they can be strongest when combined in the proper way to let them reinforce each others.

This doesn’t invalidate or insult the other approaches, there is absolute validity and purpose in selecting a core feature to build around, to create either a purely gothic existentialist or purely grounded realistic Batman, for example. What I’m saying is, there are also approaches that combines them, utilizing the best features in unity with other elements of Batman, rather than focusing on exploring each particular element individually (which, again, is absolutely a great and valid approach, which is why we got those previous great films that took such approaches). How much of each approach is used and how they are combined determines if/how much the approach succeeds.
These three eras with their primary focus also had particular approaches to Bruce/Batman himself. All three Batmen — Nolan’s, Burton’s, and Snyder’s — were dark and brooding in different ways, again rooted either in a more straightforward realistic approach, or a moody existentialist approach, or an approach leaning into comic backstories and laying groundwork for future evolution. Batman has been treated in the previous films as a strange rumor, an awesome myth, a scary creature, a brutal vigilante, and a trusted hero. Once again, Reeves combines them for a well-rounded characterization exploring Bruce’s psyche and his masked persona’s purpose.
Gotham was also different in each prior film, portrayed at various times as a modern urban center, a Jacobean fairy tale smothered in fog and shadow, and even a Stalinist maze turned war-torn battlefield. Gotham became a reflection of Batman himself, and of the broader story and approach of each filmmaker. Reeves once again chooses to utilize each face of Gotham at different distances and times, for a recognizable modern city full of classic gothic architecture towering over dark and claustrophobic streets.
Stepping back further, we can note how each of the Batman eras of the past focused on different ways to build the bat-world and villains. Burton — and, as an extension of that continuity, the Schumacher — was surrealist and fantastical, without concern for explanations or realism in story or characterization. Nolan preferred was as straightforward and grounded as possible, with a modest number of costumed villains. Snyder brought the comic books fully to life, with a built-in backstory full of costumed villains and allies, within a deconstruction of the heroes and their mythologies.
Reeves takes Nolan’s desire for grounding the story and characters in pseudo-realism, and then adds the desire to build a larger world faithful to the comics and characters, with broader boundaries for who and what can be “grounded.” For example, you’ve probably already heard Mr. Freeze is a villain Reeves is eager to adapt into his bat-world. He also signaled willingness to adapt Robin (a character I believe will be introduced in the next two films, as I’ve said in previous articles).
I wrote about this recently, including point out a specific way Mr. Freeze could be adapted into a grounded live action movie, and how it means we’ll probably see a much larger cast of villains for the new Batman movies. And Reeves doesn’t seem as strict about “realism” as Nolan — his villains are more likely to sport costumes and masks that harken more closely to their comic book origins, while still remaining within the grounded bounds of the stories, and he’s interested in how the fantastical can work within a grounded world.

Using a combined approach for the overall focus, for Batman, for Gotham City, and for the overall storytelling and villains, Reeves pinpointed the perfect path to achieve congruence, and the result is magic: a grounded, illusionary-realism Bruce/Batman surrounded by recognizable characters and other setups from the comics, in a moody world with dream-like gothic sensibilities, who turns himself into a monster to hide his pain and vulnerability but becomes the hero and symbol he was destined to be.
It’s a Batman movie with most of the best elements fans preferred in previous Batman movies. So whether you’re a fan of Burton, or of Nolan, or of Snyder, you’ll find things you loved about their films reflected in The Batman. It might even help fans gain new insights and appreciation for other past films and approaches they previously disliked.
As noted, I omitted Joel Schumacher’s two Batman films from this part of the discussion so far, because there’s not much obvious comparison. However, there are three particular elements of Schumacher’s approach that could be called comparable to certain things Reeves does with his film, so let’s talk about them.
Visually, Schumacher overused neon and colorful lights, but in an otherwise darker atmospheric film, moments of darkness broken by sudden vivid color and light can work beautifully. The trick is knowing when not to use it, but recognizing those rare moments when it’s the unexpected best choice to maximize its brief impact, and that’s what Matt Reeves does in The Batman. The cityscape becomes a mix of classic and gothic sensibilities with a touch of Blade Runner in its glitzy “Time Square” blocks.
Additionally, in Batman Forever Schumacher explores darker themes about Bruce’s psychology, with implications about secrets and fears both hidden and suspected. Without saying more than the trailers, I’ll note that The Batman is deeply interested in Bruce’s psychology, guilt, anger, and interest in/knowledge about his family history.
Lastly, Schumacher’s Batman was clearly presented as a hero. His actions were pointedly framed in the most heroic ways, people around him knew it and said so, and he was aware of it and wanted to be heroic. Other Batman movies had heroic Batmen, but they talked about it in ways that were aspirational or — as in Nolan’s films — to set up a fall and question his heroism. The Batman, like Schumacher’s films, is conscious of the theme about heroism as opposed to vigilantism or vengeance, so much so that it’s a constant undercurrent of the story and Bruce’s arc. Batman has big stand-up-and-cheer moments, and is self-aware regarding heroism and what he wants to be.
Don’t think I’ve forgotten the very first Batman feature film. Yes, The Batman even nods to inspiration from the Adam West Batman movie and TV show. Look at Pattinson’s homemade cowl, and you’ll notice stitching similar to the design on West’s cowl, specifically on the nose and the subtle semi-circle around the upper face.

I want to make it clear that The Batman is its own movie, with its own vision and approach, so these comparisons are about the big picture and what made those previous films work and how Reeves chose to pull it all together into something at once new and still rooted in the character and franchise history. It’s something we haven’t had before that still feels familiar, the same way Batman Begins felt instantly right, like it was a truth and statement we’d long felt and known yet never articulated.
But make no mistake, Warner had hoped Nolan’s Batman would stick around, either with Nolan himself at the helm or with another filmmaker who had Nolan’s blessing to keep the Dark Knight series going. Even after The Dark Knight Rises, there was hope he might have a change of heart, and fandom posited all manner of options to revive the Nolanverse and tie it into a larger DCEU of characters. This was of course after the previously mentioned period right after 2008 when fans clamored to offer suggestions for other villains who could fit into a grounded bat-world.
So when Matt Reeves proposed his vision for a Batman series like what I’ve described above, it’s no wonder Warner Bros. instantly recognized it as the best possible plan to get the franchise where they want it. They no doubt also realized how much this approach would help win over a lot of fans who strongly prefer any of the past iterations, by offering them some of the most popular aspects as entry points.
Pattinson has proven himself a more than worthy successor to the cowl, and is going to win over fans and mainstream audiences alike with his phenomenal performance. Pattinson wears Bruce Wayne’s trauma and scars on his sleeve. He’s like an exposed nerve, seemingly on the verge of trembling from the sheer intensity of his emotions at times. This Bruce is eager to stay out of everyone’s sight, to hurry back to his mask and armor where nothing can hurt him and the world fears him. Because it doesn’t know how alone and scared he feels, because he won’t even admit it to himself.

As Batman, Pattinson strikes an intimidating figure. He’s a tall guy already, but in those boots and that cowl, he’s several inches taller than his usual 6 ft 1 inches, and the armor and cowl create an impression that’s large and hulking one moment, then lean and swift the next. It’s armored, but not in a way that breaks up the flow or draws attention to itself. He still feels like an unstoppable creature, capable of making people wonder if he’s entirely human or not, not just a tough guy in a mask and body armor.
I love this suit and particular came to appreciate the mask design. It looks like something he’s built at home — with great effort and expense, but still homemade. The mask has that stitching I mentioned before, a leather feel to it instead of hard plastic, and a great jawline. There’s something vampiric in the way his cape’s collar, which adds nicely to the eerie mythology building around him in Gotham. If they keep this costume for the duration of the series of films, I’ll be perfectly happy.

Paul Dano’s Riddler channels the Zodiac serial killer as a threat that is most often felt and anticipated with dread rather than seen and constantly encountered. When he’s on screen, Dano generates enough spooky paranoia and malevolent glee to send ripples through the rest of the scenes where he’s not present. Reeves likened it to making the Riddler feel like a ghost haunting Gotham City, causing the public to fear him around every corner or in every shadow... just like they fear the Batman. It’s a characterization inspired by some of my favorite Riddler stories and is a fantastic performance by Dano that elevates Riddler’s status among Batman’s screen enemies.
Zoë Kravitz seems to have been born to play Selina Kyle. This is the definitive live-action version of Catwoman, from personality and portrayal to the physical appearance and costume. Kravitz’s Selina is straight from the pages of the best Catwoman stories, with her own subplot and arc that will have fans of the character purring. She has a thing for strays, as Kravitz put it, but that simple statement contains depths of subtext and inspiration for a character who is a thief operating at “the dark end of the street” — which is where I hope we see her next, in her own film or HBO Max miniseries adapting some of the best solo Catwoman comic book stories.

Jeffrey Wright is never less than outstanding, and he was an inspired exactly right choice for Lieutenant James Gordon, Batman’s only ally besides Alfred. Wright’s Gordon is a man who feels the unbearable weight of his position, stuck in a corrupt city and surrounded by corrupt police, bureaucrats, and dangerous mobsters who control the city. Gordon navigates this minefield bravely, and Batman inspires him to believe something better is possible. He senses this is a man he can trust, a good man who is trying to help the city, a man who trusts him back. Gordon is a detective himself — older, wider, and more experienced than Batman — and not inclined to merely follow Batman’s lead all of the time, while Batman recognizes this and often restrains himself for Gordon’s benefit. Together, they forge a partnership and friendship that will change Gotham City forever.

Colin Farrell's Penguin is absolutely insane, in more ways than one. There isn't a single moment in the film when you get any sense or glimpse of Farrell beneath the performance, and the makeup doesn't remotely get in the way or impede his ability to disappear into the role through sheer talent alone. Crass, pompous, and dangerously underestimated by those around him, Penguin’s been at war in Gotham as long as Batman — longer, even — and just like Batman he bears the scars to prove it. Farrell is a man possessed here, his Penguin like a fun-house mirror version of Joe Pesci’s character Tommy DeVito in Goodfellas, including a twisted sense of humor frequently on display. I won’t be at all surprised if Farrell winds up among the Best Supporting Actor nominees at the Oscars.

The rest of the cast are all fantastic, but this is already an extra-long review so I’ll just add a big nod to Andy Serkis, John Turturro, Peter Sarsgaard, Jayme Lawson, and everyone else who contributed to making The Batman so impressive.
Cinematographer Greig Fraser delivers what may be his best work to date. Which says a lot, considering he's nominated for an Oscar this year for his outstanding work in Dune, and was previously nominated for equally impressive work in Lion. He also worked on Zero Dark Thirty, Rogue One, and Let Me In (also with Matt Reeves). In The Batman, Fraser lets the noir sensibilities and cloudy, rainy environments inform his photography, allowing shadow and light to fight for dominance and keeping many things just out of focus. Then comes the unexpected vivid red lights splitting the inky blackness, or a brilliant eruption of flame and light casting things in stark relief. So much atmosphere exists in each frame of The Batman, even more so than Batman Returns, if you can imagine that. Fraser has earned his third Oscar nomination.
The remarkable score by Michael Giacchino is infused with all of the noir sensibilities, sense of impending doom, and triumphant declaration of the rest of the film. It’s haunting at times, inspiring at others, and is on par with Hans Zimmer’s and Danny Elfman’s finest compositions for past films in the series.
The visual effects and action of The Batman are big, thrilling, and are the best so far in the franchise. This helps keep the pace moving and the audience on its toes, which is important in a three-hour detective story with all manner of twists and turns. Reeves knows he has to keep turning up the pressure and the stakes at every level of the story, and that includes the action scenes.
The Batmobile particularly pleased me, as someone who has spent many years hoping for a souped-up armored muscle car in the Batman movies. Pattinson’s Batman makes his own gear and costumes, and he’s a gear head who also made his own Batmobile, and I love the aesthetics of this car. It sounds like a beast growling thunderously in the rain when we see it put to the test during easily the greatest car chase in any Batman film to date. Its like a Fast & Furious race through a crowded city, with sublime camera work and color.

If there’s any complaint about the film that I can see coming, it’s that the runtime is long for a solo Batman film. I’d remind everyone that The Dark Knight was just over two hours 30 minutes, and The Dark Knight Rises was two hours 45 minutes. The action and pure quality of the film should make the runtime a nonissue for most viewers, though, and it doesn’t feel bloated at all. This is auteur superhero cinema, undeniable in its singular artistic vision and loving construction, and every piece feels necessary to the larger whole.
The Batman is a towering achievement, putting the franchise on firm footing in the sweet spot that can unify fandom and electrify audiences. It’s exactly what the Batman franchise needed to be, something I’ve personally argued was the right path for a long time and something that fans, press, and the public at various times and in various ways have long wanted and waited for. Trust Matt Reeves, Batman is in good hands.