Amidst the devastating Park Fire north of Sacramento, California, a heartwarming rescue story emerged over the weekend. A Rottweiler and four puppies were saved by a rescue crew in Northern California, as reported by the Butte County Sheriff’s Office.
During the chaos of the fire, a resident near the remote area of Campbellville had to evacuate, leaving behind the dogs when their truck broke down. Despite providing the location of the truck, the area was initially inaccessible due to the fire.
On Saturday, a member of the county’s search and rescue team, Trevor Skaggs, was airlifted to the location by helicopter pilot Connor Smith. Skaggs bravely ran 1.5 miles to reach the spot where the dogs were last seen.
Tragically, one adult female Rottweiler did not survive, and two puppies are still missing. Skaggs provided water and food to the dogs before successfully leading them back to the helicopter.
The rescued dogs were flown to the Chico airport and are currently under the care of the North Valley Animal Disaster Group. This organization is also tending to horses, pigs, and other animals affected by the fire. Once the dogs undergo a veterinary evaluation, they will be transferred to a nearby shelter until they can be reunited with their owner.
Despite the challenges faced by the community during this difficult time, the Butte County Sheriff’s Office expressed gratitude for the positive outcome of this rescue mission, calling it an amazing story amidst the recent horrors.