Miami Dolphins owner Stephen Ross has begun taking steps to change his succession plan for the team, according to the Sports Business Journal. Ross reportedly wants to leave the team to his family – specifically his daughter, Jennifer Ross – instead of partner and vice chairman, Bruce Beal.
The process has not yet been finalized and it’s unclear when it could be completed.
Back in 2016, the NFL approved a plan giving Beal the first right to buy the team as Ross’ successor in the event of his death or a sale of the Dolphins. By changing the successor to his daughter instead of Beal, Ross would be keeping the team in the family.
Such a move would keep the franchise in his family after his death as he now wants — but it would also forestall the awkward step of Beal seeking approval to ascend to controlling owner after being punished for tampering.
Both Ross and Beal are currently suspended by the league for tampering violations. Ross is suspended until Oct. 17 and was fined $1.5 million for unpermitted conversations with Tom Brady and the agent of Sean Payton. Beal was suspended from all team meetings for the rest of the season and fined $500,000 for talking to Brady.