Indigenous Queensland communities are set to have a much bigger say on their own healthcare and housing needs, as well as how their children are educated.
The state's 26 Indigenous councils will soon start deciding how Queensland government services such as health care, housing and education are delivered.
Advisory panels will be appointed in each Indigenous community within two years to advise the government.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Partnerships Minister Craig Crawford says the move is an important step towards self-determination.
"Progressing local solutions and decision-making with Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islander people is critical for communities to thrive," he said on Monday.
The new Local Decision Making Bodies (LDMBs) will be told how much money the government is investing in each community.
Information will include details such as how much is spent on services, the amount of funding for each service contract, who is delivering the contracts, and whether they employ local people.
Each decision-making panel will have access to performance data for services and contractors in their community.
Mr Crawford said more transparency will allow for better service delivery models to be designed, and potentially save money.
The Queensland government has already successfully trialled various aspects of the service delivery reforms in Yarrabah, near Cairns, and Mapoon on Cape York.
"We recognise that the greatest progress is achieved when First Nations people lead the way," Mr Crawford said.
"Traditionally, government has taken a top-down approach to decision making."