Philips is on the cutting edge of healthcare innovation with a wide range of medical devices and products. Roy Jakobs, CEO, Royal Philips, joined TheStreet to discuss which Philips products he's most excited about as it continues shaping the future of healthcare.
Full Video Transcript Below:
J.D. DURKIN: What are some of the products under the Philips umbrella that most excite you? What are you most excited about?
ROY JAKOBS: So I think there are, of course, it's hard to discriminate because I love all my children.
J.D. DURKIN: Of course. That's why it's a tough question.
ROY JAKOBS: Listen, I think some of the latest innovation or where you see some breakthroughs. So if you look to the minimally invasive therapy area, that's a very exciting area because there's immediate benefit for the patient. So give an example, traditionally, when there was a cardiac problem, often we needed to do open heart surgery. Now, with minimally invasive technology, you don't need to open the heart. You actually can go in through other means and do minimally invasive kind of interventions, after which a patient can go back much faster to daily practice.
A doctor can do more patients and actually you can therefore have an impact both on patient quality as well as patient outcome as an efficiency in the system. That's where the best of imaging, monitoring and also AI now comes together to support the physician in the latest kind of application of these technologies. So that's an area where a lot of technology and clinical practice comes together for breakthrough to application and a lot of patient benefit. So that's an example of an area we are very excited about. We also have device innovation where actually you bring in then the stents and doing it in a very innovative way. So it's one of the areas we are very active in where I see a lot of potential for the future.