A YEAR after the rickety old single-lane weir crossing at Barnsley closed to traffic, the new $8.6 million Weir Bridge has officially opened.
Lake Macquarie City Council mayor Kay Fraser said she was excited to see the major project come to life.
"The old weir crossing was prone to flooding, which regularly disrupted the journey of motorists travelling between Barnsley and Teralba before it was permanently closed due to storm damage," she said.
"This new bridge will provide a safe and convenient crossing for our community - whatever the weather."
The old crossing had long been a bug-bear for locals, experiencing flooding multiple times a year and closing to traffic in moderate rain.
It closed when major storms hit the region in March 2021 and rehabilitating it was deemed impractical due to the sheer cost and length of time it would take to repair it.
Investigations revealed a range of structural issues, including scour, undermining and damaged asphalt that would have put the public at risk.
The significant project also saw the realignment of the Weir Road to improve road safety, and the construction of a three-metre shared pathway on the northern side of the bridge.
It's hoped it will support the extension of the pathway along the road in the future.
Hunter MP Dan Repacholi joined Cr Fraser in opening the bridge on Friday.
He said the project, which was jointly funded through the Australian Government's Bridges to Renewal Fund and Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program, will improve reliability of the transport network through the area.
"Nothing is more important than ensuring people get home safe and sound at the end of each road trip, whether it's just a quick run to the local shops or an interstate freight haul," he said.
"That's why our government is committed to building a better future for the Hunter Region and for all Australians by delivering infrastructure like the Weir Bridge."
The federal government committed $4.7 million towards the bridge while the council delivered the remaining $3.9 million.
The old weir was left in place as it provides separation between fresh and salt water habitats.