AVT Question: Please share insight and best practices for ensuring meeting equity for all employees and how to deliver the best collaboration experience regardless of location.
Thought Leader: Hal Truax, Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Hall Technologies
As the concept of working from home continues to shift and evolve, and based on the events that the whole world has experienced over the past three years, we believe a hybrid work setup is here to stay for years to come.
Some businesses are attempting to entice workers back into the office by offering a flex environment, and we’d like to think that technology plays a big role. For business and technology leaders, one of the things they want to improve upon will be the tools and services that workers can use to enable them to be productive, engaged, and efficient regardless of the location of their office. Staff should be able to connect whether they’re traveling, in a hotel, in a coworking space, or in the office.
Because technology plays an important role in a hybrid model, a scalable and secured infrastructure service is a must to support the growing number of devices being used." —Hal Truax, Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Hall Technologies
Because technology plays an important role in a hybrid model, a scalable and secured infrastructure service is a must to support the growing number of devices being used. Let’s face it: Our cell phones, tablets, and personal devices are not going anywhere. We are more digitally connected than ever, so why shouldn’t meeting participants be able to connect and collaborate freely using any device? Hall offers quite a few products to now distribute, manage, and monitor different devices and applications without having to be physically present in the office.
Ultimately organizations moving forward have a great number of things to consider when bringing staff back into the office. With the shift to returning to the office, a renewed focus on creating inclusive meetings should be a key element. The audio and visuals are one thing, but connectivity is truly paramount in the equation.