Joel Snape claims to be lazy, and then goes on to list what he does in a week – including a full-time job, several gym sessions, writing a newsletter and practising the piano (Big, beautiful goals – but can’t be bothered? 11 great productivity tips for lazy people, 10 July). He doesn’t need a productivity regime as much as he needs a dictionary, to find out what the word lazy really means.
Martyn Brake
Whitwell, Isle of Wight
• Frome’s answer to Germany’s reuse schemes (‘It needs to stay in the loop’: German reuse schemes turn shopping upside down, 4 July) is to bring your own containers when you shop. Our local independent store sells a wide range of dried goods, oils, vinegar and more. Our own bottles and containers are weighed and then refilled. People drop off containers they don’t need for people who have come without. It works a treat.
Ruth Windle
Frome, Somerset
• There is an interpretive corner at the Cheviot Centre in Wooler, the Northumberland town where Josephine Butler spent her final years (Letters, 4 July). The bronze bust and information panels in this former workhouse celebrate her courage and tenacity. Let’s hope her belief in “truth before everything” resonates across the world.
Tom Johnston
Wooler, Northumberland
• It would be interesting to compare the number of votes cast with the amount of money spent on each party’s campaign. Are the Greens the most efficient of the lot?
Peggy Thomas
Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire
• The early bird catches the worm / The early worm is dead. / The moral here for early worms, / It’s better to stay in bed (Letters, 9 July).
Jim McLean
• Do you have a photograph you’d like to share with Guardian readers? If so, please click here to upload it. A selection will be published in our Readers’ best photographs galleries and in the print edition on Saturdays.