ROUND 1 (March 25-26)
Cessnock v Souths at Cessnock Sportsground
Kurri Kurri v Maitland at Kurri Sportsground
Wyong v Macquarie at Morry Breen Oval
Northern Hawks v Wests at Tomaree Sports Complex
Central v The Entrance at St John Oval
Lakes BYE

ROUND 2 (April 1-2)
Kurri Kurri v Wyong at Kurri Sportsground
Maitland v Lakes at Maitland Sportsground
Souths v Central at Townson Oval
Northern Hawks v Cessnock at Tomaree Sports Complex
The Entrance v Macquarie at EDSACC Oval
Wests BYE

ROUND 3 (April 7-10)
Cessnock v Kurri Kurri at Cessnock Sportsground
Maitland v Souths at Maitland Sportsground
The Entrance v Lakes at EDSACC Oval
Wests v Wyong at Harker Oval
Northern Hawks v Macquarie at Tomaree Sports Complex
Central BYE

ROUND 4 (April 15-16)
Wyong v Central at Morry Breen Oval
Lakes v Northern Hawks at Cahill Oval
Macquarie v Kurri Kurri at Lyall Peacock Field
The Entrance v Souths at EDSACC Oval
Wests v Cessnock at Harker Oval
Maitland BYE

ROUND 5 (April 22-23)
Kurri Kurri v Wests at Kurri Sportsground
Macquarie v Cessnock at Lyall Peacock Field
Souths v Lakes at Townson Oval
Central v Maitland at St John Oval
Northern Hawks v The Entrance at Tomaree Sports Complex
Wyong BYE

ROUND 6 (April 29-30)
Cessnock v Maitland at Cessnock Sportsground
Souths v Kurri Kurri at Townson Oval
The Entrance v Wyong at EDSAAC Oval
Lakes v Wests at Cahill Oval
Macquarie v Central at Lyall Peacock Field
Northern Hawks BYE

ROUND 7 (May 13-14)
Maitland v Macquarie at Maitland Sportsground
Wyong v Northern Hawks at Morry Breen Oval
Central v Lakes at St John Oval
Wests v Souths at Harker Oval
Cessnock, The Entrance, Kurri Kurri BYE

ROUND 8 (May 20-21)
Cessnock v Lakes at Cessnock Sportsground
Kurri Kurri v The Entrance at Kurri Sportsground
Wyong v Souths at Morry Breen Oval
Central v Northern Hawks at St John Oval
Wests v Maitland at Harker Oval
Macquarie BYE

ROUND 9 (May 27-28)
Lakes v Macquarie at Cahill Oval
Wyong v Cessnock at Morry Breen Oval
Maitland v The Entrance at Maitland Sportsground
Central v Wests at St John Oval
Northern Hawks v Kurri Kurri at Tomaree Sports Complex
Souths BYE

ROUND 10 (June 3-4)
Macquarie v Wyong at Lyall Peacock Field
Souths v Cessnock at Townson Oval
Maitland v Kurri Kurri at Maitland Sportsground
The Entrance v Central at EDSACC Oval
Wests v Northern Hawks at Harker Oval
Lakes BYE

ROUND 11 (June 10-11)
Cessnock v Central at Cessnock Sportsground
Kurri Kurri v Lakes at Kurri Sportsground
Northern Hawks v Souths at Tomaree Sports Complex
Macquarie v The Entrance at Lyall Peacock Field
Maitland v Wyong at Maitland Sportsground
Wests BYE

ROUND 12 (June 17-18)
Kurri Kurri v Central at Kurri Sportsground
Lakes v Wyong at Cahill Oval
Souths v Macquarie at Townson Oval
Northern Hawks v Maitland at Tomaree Sports Complex
The Entrance v Wests at EDSACC Oval
Cessnock BYE

ROUND 13 (June 24-25)
Wyong v The Entrance at Morry Breen Oval
Kurri Kurri v Souths at Kurri Sportsground
Maitland v Cessnock at Maitland Sportsground
Wests v Lakes at Harker Oval
Central v Macquarie at St John Oval
Northern Hawks BYE

ROUND 14 (July 1-2)
Wyong v Kurri Kurri at Morry Breen Oval
Cessnock v Northern Hawks at Cessnock Sportsground
Macquarie v Wests at Lyall Peacock Field
Lakes v Maitland at Cahill Oval
Central v Souths at St John Oval
The Entrance BYE

ROUND 15 (July 7-8)
Cessnock v The Entrance at Cessnock Sportsground
Souths v Wests at Townson Oval
Lakes v Central at Cahill Oval
Northern Hawks v Wyong at Tomaree Sports Complex
Kurri Kurri, Maitland, Macquarie BYE

ROUND 16 (July 22-23)
Cessnock v Wyong at Cessnock Sportsground
Maitland v Northern Hawks at Maitland Sportsground
Macquarie v Lakes at Lyall Peacock Field
The Entrance v Kurri Kurri at EDSACC Oval
Wests v Central at Harker Oval
Souths BYE

ROUND 17 (July 29-30)
Kurri Kurri v Cessnock at Kurri Sportsground
Macquarie v Northern Hawks at Lyall Peacock Field
Souths v Maitland at Townson Oval
Wyong v Wests at Morry Breen Oval
Lakes v The Entrance at Cahill Oval
Central BYE

ROUND 18 (August 5-6)
Lakes v Kurri Kurri at Cahill Oval
Central v Cessnock at St John Oval
Souths v Northern Hawks at Townson Oval
The Entrance v Maitland at EDSACC Oval
Wests v Macquarie at Harker Oval
Wyong BYE

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