Olaf Falafel: Getting mythology wrong is my Hercules ankle.
Leila Navabi: I have an unconscious bias. I’m biased firmly towards being unconscious.
Sikisa: Cats are like strippers – they sit on your lap and make you think they love you.
Liz Guterbock: The UK is so small, they’ve got to keep all their lakes in one district.
Richard Stott: I have a suntanning addiction, so only go on holiday in winter. I went cold Turkey last year.
Ginny Hogan: Everyone says your 20s are all about finding yourself. If that’s true, your 30s are about wishing you’d found somebody else.
Alison Spittle: What does Kylie sing while counting sheep? I can’t get ewe out of my head.
Eric Rushton: There’s a lot of shame surrounding sex. After I have sex with someone, they often whisper “that’s a shame”.
Kuan-Wen Huang: My relationship with my mum is like the evolution of payment technology – we went from physical contact to electronic only, then it was contactless.
Amos Gill: Last year, I had a great joke about inflation. But it’s hardly worth it now.