A MULTI-STOREY seniors living complex could tower over Belmont if Lake Macquarie City Council gives the development the tick of approval.
Belmont Golf Club put forward the $24.8 million plans, which would see three and four storey towers built on undeveloped land on Thompson Street adjoining the club.
The seniors housing development would include 32 independent living units of different sizes, indoor and outdoor communal spaces, ground floor parking, landscaping and services.
The Environmental Impact Statement argues it will provide a social benefit to the community, offering extra seniors housing within Lake Macquarie.
"The development is co-located with Belmont Golf and Bowls Club, a popular outdoor recreation facility for retirees and young families alike," it said.
"The development has been designed as a catalyst for active transit-oriented development along the Fernleigh Track, which is currently being extended adjacent to the site.
"The development is designed to encourage residents to use the track for transport and recreation, by providing multiple access points to the track and providing ample storage for bikes and mobility scooters.
"The development therefore promotes active, healthy and social lifestyles for future senior residents."
Split across an east and west building above a single-storey podium level, a landscaped area would sit between the two buildings for better solar access and ventilation to the majority of apartments.
The eastern building is higher at four storeys and overlooks the Belmont Golf and Bowls club with views of the ocean, sand dunes, native vegetation and Lake Macquarie.
Under Lake Macquarie council's Local Environmental Plan, a maximum building height of 8.5 metres is allowed in the area.
This proposal would reach 14m, 64.7 per cent higher than the development standard.
The top floor of the four storey building would be set back for a visual recessive element and to allow increased solar access of a morning to the western building and garden.
The three storey building would sit next to a two-storey and single-storey residential area to the north and west of the site.
Residents would have the choice between four, one-bedroom apartments, 18 two-bedroom apartments and 10 three-bedroom units.
Each of the building's lobbies will have secure bike and mobility scooter storage for a total of 64 bikes and three scooters.
Off-street secure parking will be provided for 43 cars, including two accessible parking areas, and the golf club will provide a bus to take residents to Belmont and Swansea town centres on alternate days.