A Michigan veterinarian is facing a theft charge after rescuing a distressed dog that was tied to a truck. The veterinarian took the dog to her clinic, where she performed procedures to address a severe urinary tract infection and remove a rotten tooth. The dog, named Biggby, a 16-year-old pit bull mix, is reportedly thriving nearly four months later.
The dog's original owner, a homeless man named Chris Hamilton, claims ownership of the dog, known to him as Vinny. Hamilton expressed his desire to have his beloved dog back, stating that they had shared a close bond for 15 years.
The prosecutor in Kent County has charged the veterinarian with larceny, citing that individuals do not have the right to take someone else's property, especially when it involves a beloved pet. The case is set for trial, with jury selection scheduled for March 6.
The veterinarian, who rescued the dog in November, stated that she found the dog tied to a truck near a Biggby coffee shop. She performed medical procedures worth $3,000 to improve the dog's health and has been caring for him at her home.
Hamilton admitted to tying the dog to the truck while he went to a gas station, only to return and find that the dog had been taken by the veterinarian. His attorney argues that the veterinarian is providing necessary medical care for the dog, which he had neglected to do.
Despite the legal dispute, both parties express concern for the well-being of the dog. The veterinarian's attorney emphasized that the dog, now named Biggby, is living a better life under her care.