The grieving family of Madison Brooks has slammed her accused attackers for launching what they have described as an “absolutely shameful” “smear campaign” against the late Louisiana State University (LSU) student.
Kerry Miller, an attorney representing Brooks’ family, spoke out after attorneys for Casen Carver, 18, Kaivon Deondre Washington, 18, Everett Lee, 28, and the unnamed fourth suspect, 17, held a press conference on Friday denying Brooks’ blood alcohol levels and saying Brooks “wouldn’t have complained about it if she was alive.”
“I was blown away by that comment. I mean their clients gave sworn statements that they raped a young girl who was intoxicated,” Mr Miller told Fox News Digital. “What does he mean by that? That, had she not been run over by a car seconds after being dropped off in the middle of the road, they wouldn’t have come forward and admitted their guilt? I guess that’s what he means.”
Mr Carver said Mr Washington and the minor suspect had sex with Brooks but alleged that “she gave verbal consent,” despite her state of alcoholic stupor — and blood alcohol level of .319, which the defence claimed, without evidence, is incorrect.
Brooks met the four men in Reggie’s Bar in Baton Rouge on the night of 15 January. Investigators say the suspects raped her in a car and then dropped her off on a dark road where she was struck and killed by a car.