Tuesday’s Lexington City Council work session included a discussion about recent gun-related deaths. It came as those concerned expressed anxiety about the upcoming summer months and the possibility of loss of life.
First District Council Member Tayna Fogle said the names and had pictures of five people, ages 18 to 43 who were fatally shot between February and the end of April. Fogle said that includes a student of hers. She said trauma help is needed.
“And I don’t even know how to end this..right now..other than I see the families and I wanted you all to see these people. Y’all hear the statistics, but I wanted you to see their faces. And let’s not grow numb to what is needed. We need some help.”
One Lexington coordinates activities, inside and outside government, in addressing violent crime. One Lexington Director Devine Carama said spikes in deaths will occur.
“This is not gonna be the last tough week that we have this year. But, we can’t abandon our plan. We work with our community partners. We entrusted them. We got their feedback. And we just got to stay steadfast,” said Carama.
Carama noted those partners are being asked to try to do even more in terms of programming this summer with the “All Hands on Deck” push. He added 50 community engagement events are planned.
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