Diplomacy, reality check
India’s relationships with its neighbours such as Sri Lanka, the Maldives and Myanmar are drifting. The kind of support to the newly elected government in Bangladesh that has been throttling the democratic process is not so welcome. The kind of response by the Indian government to the ongoing wars between Russia and Ukraine and Israel and Hamas are not well relished by the so-called western powers. The vexed relationship with Pakistan is well known and the challenges with China seem to be never ending. And India, a nation that is called the largest democracy in the world, is drifting towards theocracy.
May the authorities in India spare some time to introspect and try to take appropriate policy decisions. There need to be good diplomatic efforts to set things right.
Cavery Palani,
Ayodhya’s future
Ayodhya can be made an international peace summit spot which will also give a boost to the tourism value and earnings of Ayodhya. The huge money that is bound to pour in can be utilised for a number of welfare projects.
P.V. Madhu Nivriti,
U.S. poll candidate race
Donald Trump, who seems to be making gains, is no stranger to turning to racism and name calling against his foes. Interestingly, Nikki Haley has refused to exit. But, her shaky rationale for continuing her campaign may face a terminal reality.
Gregory Fernandes,