A Victorian MP has had her legal challenge against a local council over election billboards dismissed after a promise that her billboards would be left alone.
Labor's Kat Theophanous and Greens candidate Campbell Gome are squaring off for the seat of Northcote, held by Ms Theophanous on a 1.7 per cent margin in 2018 despite a 4.3 per cent swing against her.
Eight of Ms Theophanous' billboards were removed from private property in the lead up to the November 26 election, sparking a challenge by her in the Victorian Supreme Court.
But the case was dismissed on Tuesday, shortly before a hearing in the case was due to take place, after a promise by Darebin City Council not to remove signs on four private properties.
Court orders made by Justice Timothy Ginnane reveal the council gave an undertaking not to interfere with or remove signs promoting Ms Theophanous before December 10.
The case related to signs at the Aboriginal Advancement League, Fronditha Aged Care, and at two Greek and Bulgarian orthodox churches.
It's understood the billboards, costing up to $1700 each, were removed from those sites in the previous two months and taken to the tip.
Attempts were made to recover them but two had been destroyed.
The judge also ordered that Ms Theophanous remove the signs by 4pm on December 10.
She must also remove them within 24 hours of receiving written notice from the council if they have been defaced to include offensive material, or if they are no longer structurally sound.
On Monday, Labor accused the "Greens-dominated" council of blatant political interference.
Darebin City Council is made up of three Greens councillors, three Labor councillors and three independent councillors, with mayor Lina Messina among the latter.
In a statement, the council said the signs were removed after a community complaint over offensive graffiti or because they were inconsistent with its policy on their display.
"Council has agreed not to remove any further signs and the candidate has consented to orders requiring her to promptly address offensive graffiti or safety issues brought to her attention, and to remove the signs within 14 days of the election," it said.
"We respect the importance of the electoral process."