have joined their wellness and lifestyle hustles to do something together.
Did we need this? Probably not. Do we deserve this? Apparently so.
Kourt and Gwyn posted a photo together on their brands’ Instagrams on Wednesday, promising they’re going to “Poosh the boundaries” with whatever it is they’re about to do together. What does that even ?
Heaven knows what on earth this collab with unleash into the world but one thing’s for sure — it needs a solid name.
May I suggest a portmanteau of Goop and Poosh? What about Goosh? Maybe… Poop?
The high-tier celeb influencers really haven’t given us much more info on this impending Poosh X Goop (Poop) collab but considering both brands sell similar stuff, maybe it’ll be a range of skincare?
Or maybe since Kourtney went on that sex cleanse with she’s going to release her own range of (not cursed) ?
I mean Travis already somehow got his hands on a . There’s plenty of fertile ground for the two brands to explore here.
The mind boggles as to what exactly could be the brainchild of this collaboration. Whatever it is, if it’s something you can buy I can almost safely bet you it’ll cost a mint and will probably go like hotcakes.
We’ll keep you updated on the Poosh X Goop (again, Poop) collab when it drops.
Travis Barker yoni eggs with Gwyn Goop candle that apparently smelled like Kourtney Kardashian’s orgasm
The post Kourtney Kardashian’s Poosh Is Collabing With Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop & Surely It’s Called Poop appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .