Basing state funding to Kentucky’s public higher education institutions on various performance standards is not new. But, it’s also not new to see some modifications in the formula.
The Postsecondary Education Working Group on Performance Funding continues to meet. Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education President Aaron Thompson said some “tweaking” of the formula occurred three years ago and further changes will likely be recommended. He said that could include a call for additional funding.
“We’re also going to be asking hopefully the governor’s office and the legislature to say, but we’ve had all this inflationary issues that have happened over the last many years, can you give us some across the board money,” said Thompson.
Thompson noted that would be requested before doing performance funding allocations to help make up for inflationary costs. The CPE leader added performance funding has been based on such things as degrees produced, credit hours generated, and efforts to help low income and under-represented minorities.
Thompson said public institutions can benefit in different ways.
“This is about not leaving anybody behind, but not trying to hinder those who are performing. It’s about putting everybody on a level base in my mind. And it may not pass the legislature, who knows,” said Thompson.
Thompson said the tweaking of the formula could provide for schools like Morehead and Kentucky State Universities getting a small adjustment, big enough for them to participate. He noted it would give those schools a chance to gain some more funding, if they perform.
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