Stars of the Jurassic Park franchise, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum, and Sam Neill, have each revealed their favorite dinosaurs from the movies they starred in. Dern and Goldblum both expressed a fondness for the Triceratops, citing its soulful eyes and realistic puppetry on set as reasons for their admiration. Neill, on the other hand, favored the more deadly chicken-like dinosaurs that appeared in the films.
The Jurassic Park franchise, which initially seemed to conclude with Jurassic Park III in 2001, was revitalized with the successful reboot Jurassic World in 2015. The subsequent movies proved the enduring popularity of the franchise, leading to the announcement of Jurassic World 4, set for release on July 2, 2025.
Gareth Edwards, the director of the upcoming installment, expressed his excitement at joining the Jurassic franchise, emphasizing his love for the original Jurassic Park movie and the opportunity to work with industry legends on the new project. While details about the cast of Jurassic World 4 remain undisclosed, rumors suggest Scarlett Johansson may be in talks for a lead role.
The Jurassic Park movies have captivated audiences with their blend of adventure and prehistoric creatures, with the original film still available for streaming on Netflix. Fans eagerly anticipate the release of Jurassic World 4, hoping for another thrilling chapter in the beloved dinosaur saga.