The idea that Rishi Sunak will improve life for ethnic minorities or those from socio-economic backgrounds, is quite absurd.
Take it from a twenty-something.
Class inequality is often forgotten about in the conversation around diversity and representation.
The assumption is often that every black and brown person has the same experience.
But the leaked video of Sunak claiming he had no working-class friends demonstrated his lack of perspective or empathy when it comes to our needs.
He doesn’t even represent the majority of people from his own background.
Britain is on its knees economically. We need someone who is not only dedicated to helping it back onto its feet but also dedicated to helping those who most need it. S
unak, sitting on his £730,000,000 fortune, has so far given us zero indication as to how he intends to do that.
For goodness’ sake, in his race with Liz Truss to become Prime Minister earlier this year, Sunak even promised to take funding from deprived areas and use it to improve wealthy areas.
People living in those deprived areas found out then what his plans were for them.
Yet, we are forced to join in the celebrations, put our trust in him and hope for the best?
No matter who is the face of the Conservative party, their values of keeping the middle- and upper-class rich is the only motive.
Sunak is serving a government that wants to tighten immigration further and aggressively deport asylum seekers who are unable to live in their own countries.
Sunak wants to pander to the people determined to shut the door on people who want to come from poor countries into Britain- in order to keep Britain white. What an irony.
Britain is already a country struggling with subtle racism embedded within its lofty ideals.
This is likely only get worse with a brown face as the head of the most powerful political party in the country.